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Episode details

Chris Bates of Wealthful is the Financial Adviser and Mortgage Broker with a very unique (and very successful) service offering for young families looking to ‘live a life fulfilled with what they value’.

Step inside his virtual LinkedIn abode and you’ll instantly get a feel for the kinds of ideas, information and opinions that swirl around in Chris’ head on the daily. With his short form posts reaching an audience of 20,000 + people a day, it’s obvious his stuff has a lot of merit and is having a very positive effect on his 18,000 + followers (and his bottom line).

This podcast swings in all kinds of directions and touches on some really interesting stuff like:

  • How to nail your LinkedIn presence Chris Bates style
  • How to use social media to develop client relationships at scale
  • Chris’ bold and unique approach to qualifying (or de-qualifying) potential clients
  • Chris’ advice on how not to get blocked by LinkedIn… twice.
  • Chris’ tips on the current property market and where it’s headed

We’re just thankful Chris made it out of Africa prison-free to sit down and chat with us. Yep, for the full (uncensored) version of THAT story, you’ll definitely want to tune in for this episode…

A big thank you to Zurich our major partner and also to Sunsuper for the continued support.

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