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What do the words dulcet and game-changing business coach have in common? Two words. Stewart Bell.

Stewart is the industrious business coach of Audere Coaching & Consulting who is teaching frustrated advisers how to turn their business challenges into opportunities.

Having spent the last two decades working with financial professionals, Stewart has seen significant shifts in the way our industry markets itself and how to do it effectively. Aside from the Tinder references, here’s our favourite takeaways from this podcast:

  • The biggest asset of a startup advice business
  • The digital platform set to take over from email marketing according to Stewart
  • How to position the asking of referrals in a way that actually works
  • Why information is useless if not implemented correctly, or at all
  • The importance of accountability in any business model

If not for the endless nuggets of wisdom, listen to this episode purely for the ‘dulcet’ sounds of Stewart Bell who will inspire you to think outside the box when it comes to innovation within your business.

A big thank you also to our major partner Zurich and also to SunSuper for the continued support.

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