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Master of ‘technoclientology’, financial adviser, behavioural specialist, speaker and author, there’s not much that Andy Marshall can’t do.

It’s been two years since he hosted XY’s ‘The Modern Adviser’ event so we thought a catch up on all things finance, behaviour and everything in between was well and truly in order.

In this comical and thought provoking podcast, Andy gives his insights and demonstrates his expertise by highlighting some important points surrounding the systematic and behavioural elements within the financial advice environment, some of which include:

  • The importance of peer-to-peer networks and how this creates innovation within your business
  • Why client’s respond well to forward thinking advisers and how seasoned advisers are staying relevant
  • How to balance the ‘warm and fuzzy’ goals based advice with the investment position to deliver the best possible outcomes for clients.
  • Why sharing your own life experiences or those of other client’s is extremely beneficial in building trust during the client journey
  • The best kind of Fintech solution to add to your ‘weapons of advice choice’
  • Three things the best advice businesses are doing differently

Andy Marshall is a serious wealth of knowledge who now spends most of his time with financial advisers, providing new ideas to help implement efficiency into their businesses. With a book titled ‘Client Engagement for Financial Advisors’ and a passion for using technology to engage with clients in a meaningful and relevant way, this is a guy you definitely want to listen to (and then google later on).

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