Ben Nash
Hey guys, Ben from the Ensombl Team and today I’m here with Ryan King. Ryan is the founder and advisor and his official LinkedIn title is Westy Hustler at Three Kings Wealth Management. Right. Good to have you, man.
Ryan King
Thanks, mate. Good to chat with you. Again, Ben
Ben Nash
Mate, you’ve got a super interesting business in the niche that that you play in. And I’m keen to get right into that. But I suppose to start, could you just unpack how you’ve ended up where you are today?
Ryan King
Yeah, for sure. I think I won’t go way back, there’s a couple of podcasts on Memorial Day way back so maybe a bit of a plug people go and find those somewhere just search me name, you’ll find them but I think just as a quick background, I grew up in the west or in between the Western Central Coast you know, grepping meant Jordan in your minor as a kid and just being around those parts. Money’s not really a priority, other than spending it on some DNS or semantics. So unless you’re still on, so, you know, I grew up I was doing whatever I was doing, and I ended up joining the military to try and get out to make sure I was gonna be alright, join the military a lot that got injured in 2014 Left 2015 And we had like a suicide sort of epidemic, I guess you call it and I just did some research on my discharge on how it can help while I was recovering, and now long story short, there’s a big study a link that I did, did 52 hours of interviews and linked basically a large majority of people said that their mental health was caused significantly by financial stress which as we progress will we find that out across this gen Gen pop answer, but I thought well, you know, I can really help my brothers and sisters here from the military and weirdly started selling insurance because that was the entry level for me then cold calling and door knocking, which I was pretty good at I did number one in Australia straightaway and but very quickly realized that I’m not I don’t like selling this isn’t the age of selling insurances for the purpose of selling insurances was dead and gone. And so I started studying started studying, you know, like I was I was just naturally doing like cash flow and stuff with like budgets and that kind of stuff with clients with insurance sales, and I was just this holistic approach naturally, and I stumbled across a friend sort of like a colleague that was a financial planner and figured out well that’s kind of what I’ve started doing sort of AI. I’d like to explore this more and I started studying and like started saying that particularly not just insurance stuff and applied for a few jobs back in Sydney to come home and I was from from Brisbane, Townsville, and Brisbane and got back here at a small firm in Baulkham hills and started learning all that investments and that kind of stuff.
You know, sort of grew after my boots there pretty quickly. And, you know, that’s where I ended up at announcer with
with your mic, Roxy, and did a couple everyone’s like Roxy did a couple of probably six months or something there after during the infocus merge. That was after I got like the infocus Rising Star Award and I was up and comer there learning all that stuff. I pretty quickly realized that man, this suit and tie stuff isn’t me. You know, like I felt fake. I didn’t enjoy the faking it to make it feeling I had I was telling people what to do with their money. When I had nowhere near that kind of money. I’d never seen that kind of money. You know, like, and I understand the theories rule applied regardless, but I just I just felt massive impostor syndrome. And I just wasn’t comfortable. This just just wasn’t the the staff that the people I wanted to help or like, they’re good people, but just wasn’t me. So I floated this idea of starting this business called the wealth cartel, which was the original name, I was gonna go with it. Everyone sort of was like, what’s that? What’s that about? And I said, I want to look after a niche group of people called legitimate gangsters. And that’s the people who might have grown up like me and come from that life but have legitimate businesses. They liked the flashy stuff I loved the watches are like the cars like the houses, but they’re legitimate. They but they look like they might not be. And so that’s why I want to help you know, that’s, that’s my thing. And everyone laughed at me. And so there’s not a chance at work. So I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it. And I sort of stuck at it. And then I just started hanging around, we didn’t have barbecues, and I started to get really good at what I was doing. I was sitting at barbecues and people are picking my brain and I’m like, Man, I’m better than all these people that are these people listening to and these are my people. These are my legitimate gangster people and I was like, alright, we, my wife and I decided to get married and just had an hour I was like, you know, I’m gonna get married, I’m gonna quit. I’m gonna start my own business. And so I did, I launched three kings wealth management under the proviso of helping it started out as legitimate gangsters and thing but I sort of niche down into ambitious young hustlers, also known as Westy hustlers, ambitious young hustlers who want to live today to the fullest while still planning and getting ahead tomorrow and that’s got me to where I am today.
Ben Nash
And I love I love it and I think I get a real kick out of marketing. I think it’s a super interesting space like, like advice the one One pot of advice and positioning things in different ways. And then it lands in different ways with people and connects with different people. And some people it does. And some people it doesn’t. And I think marketing is the same. It’s one of those things that you put a message out there, but you’re, you know, the message is going out to the masses. And when I look at your stuff coming out, I think it, it speaks you definitely speaking to someone? Can you tell us a bit about, I suppose, how you’ve tackled that content, and maybe some of the sort of the learnings around that?
Ryan King
Yeah, that’s a really good point. Because actually something I do heavily with my clients now, like, one of the big things we do is helping them you know, as well, you know, you can only put more money in your pocket from spending less earning more, right, the only two ways, whatever the strategy is, encompasses one of those two ways. And one of the you can only kind of budget so far before we start being a bit bit miserable. So one of the big things we do is how to earn extra income. But yeah, we talked about passive income and stuff like that. But that takes time, you know, so how can we generate income and side hustles, and businesses are a great way to do that. And I pretty much just taken the approach that I took, which is exactly what you just said, which, you know, early on, and I’ll give a shout out to him, Jackson, Milan, he was my business coach at the start helped us kind of launch at the start and get this message across and open my eyes to if you speak to everyone, you speak to no one, right. And I used to think a niche was an age group. You know, I mean, like an age group that’s looking after 35 to 45 year olds, you know, that’s when he got me. And when I started learning was nation is all about it’s not about the industry, like you can you can make a niche or anything, you can be just doctors at this age, or whatever and location people live. But where I found my niche was the values, I had to speak to people’s values. And those values might be the same for a doctor as they are for someone cut in here as a barber out in the west. But it was the values I was speaking to. And those values were people who were basically willing to do whatever was required to get to where they want to be and happy to live today. While still planning for tomorrow, but don’t want to just eat noodles and rice hoping that one day I’ll be rich, it’s like no, let’s get let’s get a plan to show that tomorrow is gonna be okay. But whatever is left, let’s enjoy that now. Because Tomorrow is not promised and doing the marketing. Like I really just started breaking that down. I started breaking down. Okay, well, what are the pains and gains? You know, what if I was working for free? Who are the people I’d love to still do this for and, and sort of go from there. And I looked at my journey as Okay, well, if I want to look after these now, in five years time, you know, a lot of people get in the industry and have to work with superstars and rock stars and millionaires. You can’t do that straightaway. So I’ve got to work a path. My answer to that was not I want to work with the same people just further along their journey in five years time. And so it’s not a building it out like that and building out. Okay, what is what is my gut and my avatar? My niche avatar is a guy named tossing, and he’s Mrs. Name Emily. Right. That’s my niche avatar. And they were just tossing Emily, who do they follow on Instagram? You know, what do they do in their spare time? How does this look and just broke it all down from there from demographic to values to age group, what their pains and gains are? What their behaviors are? If I was walking past him in the street, you know, what behaviors Could I see that would tell me that they’ve got the same pains as what I can fix? You know, what’s their problem? What’s the solution that I can show and I say it all the time. At the end of the day, like people get too caught up in business about making money and selling, you know, just selling for the sake of selling when business is pretty easy. Like you, you find that you find a problem that people have, that you can solve, you figure out how to solve it, you tell those people that have that problem, you can solve it, and then you solve for them. And then they tell everyone else, you know, and that’s business and that was the knees. That’s how I built my niche off the back of that out of the values in and had a very, very clear picture of exactly who I want to work with.
Ben Nash
And what’s been the impact of that marketing and putting that message out to market.
Ryan King
So it’s funny, it’s real funny like I am I got real caught up like everyone in this I hate social media always have a hater, you know, and one of my best mates is my idol because he runs a like, it’s like a half a billion dollar a year company revenue wise, and he’s not, you can’t find him. You can’t Google his name, right? Like, it’s, it’s wild, you’re like, man like that, that’d be mad. But unfortunately, like, I don’t think I’d get to where I was without it. So what I got caught up in at the start was chasing those likes, and chasing that reach and chasing those followers. And I you know, I really associated that with the context of success and money. And I was terrible. Like I was spending so much time on chasing the algorithm where the algorithm basically says that, you know, more people like you, the more they’ll see your stuff and the more you’ll get out there but unfortunately and no offense or all the offense, whatever no wants to take to this but a lot of the people out on social media are morons, you know what I mean? Like there’s a lot of morons out there and most of them are consuming a lot. And when I started pushing my message to get likes, it was just getting being liked by more of those people that would see it more in the message wasn’t getting cut through. And my message was getting diluted. So I went back and I finally had to sit down myself and said, You know what, let’s push our message. You know, stop. Listen, a lot of the people were sending me our, I don’t resonate with that message or you shouldn’t swear or you shouldn’t talk about your weekend. Yeah, his activities or drugs or this or anything on your page? And I was like, Yeah, because I don’t want you to be I used to listen to him, but then I sat down, you’re not my ideal client. So that’s actually good. The fact that you’re told me you don’t like that is actually really good. Yeah. And no, in marketing is as good as a yes. You know what I mean? Like getting nose is just as important to understand we directing and, but then the people that were my best clients were like, Man, I really resonated with that message. And that was really funny. Like, you’re no bullshit your front your front end. And so you know, this is working, you know, so I was just kept, just kept teetering down that stage and, and kept pushing the message that wasn’t getting over talk and 1000 views on Instagram and like 20 likes, you know, and I was like, this sucks, but I get like, I’d get to two messages, often I get two bookings. And fast forward today, we still only get like one to 5000 views on our Instagram story or Instagram. We call them reels and stuff. Same as YouTube, I get smashed on YouTube shorts, but like, I get a new book to one to two new bookings every single day in my calendar. And that’s, that’s really what matters, because that’s the impact, I can put my message out as much as I want. But it’s like, you know, if you’ve no one’s booking, and I’m not changing people’s lives, how much how much impact or cut from a really having it’s just noise if it’s not doing anything, you know?
Ben Nash
That’s right. Yeah. And that’s why I think like seeing leads, so been following them to see if they’re not the right people, or they’re not taking action, or not helpful. And I think that there’s like, I’ve been getting into tick tock for the last year and be interesting. And you see, you know, there’s a bunch of people on tick tock, and they have these pages, they’re optimized for for views and for maybe even for engagement and like getting these viral videos, but like, they’re not going to drive people to action. And I think if you’re, if the intention of you’re putting message to market is to attract people that want to work with you, which mine 100% is, then that’s the that’s got to be the measure of success. And it’s funny that you for us, we’ve spent a lot of time going okay, well, what works and what doesn’t, and also who are the right people, and we spend a lot of time in our analytics going, Well, okay, we’re getting, you know, a whole bunch of leads from this particular source. And that, that sounds great, but then how many of them are becoming clients and I have gone through a few different times, where we’ve actually just stopped going down a path, which looked really looked like it was doing a lot of stuff at the top of the funnel, but it wasn’t doing anything at the bottom of the funnel. At the end of the day, it’s like you can only do so much. So you’ve got to do the things that are going to have the outcome the biggest impact on the outcomes that you that you actually want. And I think it’s it is really easy to get caught and it’s
Ryan King
it’s funny you say that because I am like a big lesson on like, why to have a secret right? I don’t tell anyone this is a secret. So I’ve got a software and my analytics channel and you’re actually one of the channels that I can pound comparable against like I follow your channel to see what your growth and your view view rates are like because your your business is a business that I feel pushes a message that’s real, not just and I’ll say this people get hurt by this. There’s a lot of people out there it’s very easy these days to make money, making noise and not making difference, right, just getting eyes on you. And I feel there’s a lot of people in our industry that have sold out to that where I don’t need to give advice anymore because I get paid just pretending I am you know, making noise and that’s not me. That’s okay for this happening. Do that’s fine. Do that all you want, but I want real cutthroat so I gotta say, what’s the point of having the cure to cancer if you sell it to people with heart attacks, you know them it’s not gonna solve shit. So I like I really and so I have analytics on you and two other businesses that are right, that shows me okay, if we’re moving in similar directions that’s that’s good for the for me for the industry. And I’ve got analytics on companies or businesses and their pages that I don’t write and I visually see the numbers the numbers actually quite phenomenal. Like lots of engagement, minimal growth, like very, the cut through is crazy. But the reason I the reason I went that way, and I’m actually really interested to see who these clients advisors are these days because I have to if I reckon they’d be you. I reckon you probably look after him. But they there was quite someone who I’ve had since day one that was really good friends and one really good I really liked him. And when I started three kings and when I started going down that path actually terminated my there’s my first cognitive loss, right? I’m very big, very big on Don’t mock losing clients. And our first client and they’re really good friends of mine. Like we like seeing the birthday kids grow up, and I, I was quite heartbroken. And I was like, Hey, man, like, can we have it? Like, it’s fine? Yeah, go do what’s right for you. I’ll fix it all up. And can we talk about why and the one reason was I said, Man, we’d be honest with you, like, we love you, but you’re used to it seems like you’re doing a lot like on your Instagram. Looks like you’re doing a lot and we’re not feeling that we don’t feel like a lot is happening. And I was like, right. And I said, You know what, I think I even refunded them, I was like, You know what I am so sorry. Like, that’s such a big wake up call for you. Let me help you transition, I can recommend a few other advisors and you were one of the advisors I recommended. So I recommend a few other advisors. If you got please, you need advice, you got a real good position, go get that and I’m going to work on this and that they changed my entire business trajectory. I stopped messing around with the noise and I was like, I’m gonna do what matters here. I’ll actually make make proper change. I’m gonna focus on what’s mattering. But it is hard when you’re a startup business this Get out of that noise because you do need that momentum, you know?
Ben Nash
Yeah. And you like me, like when I started my business, so I was the only advisor. And I think I definitely had that conversation with clients as well that always super interested in marketing, you know, had some growth plans for the business. And then so you’re doing all this stuff, and it is, you sort of reached that tipping point, and we’re just chatting a bit offline. And you know, you’re sort of getting to that level as well that it is, it is a tricky time where you go, like I needed, I need to keep working on growing the business and growing the team and then doing these things to keep that going. But at the same time you’ve got, you know, you got to make sure that you’re managing the clients perception as much as anything, and it can be that difficult when you’re trying to be everywhere all the time. That you Yeah, it’s I don’t know that I ever cracked the code on that, although it has become easier
Ryan King
that were that were perceptions crazy man like I, I actually had to get a write a check a bit of a change check. Because when I was at other businesses, including announcer you know, one of the big things was, I felt there was, there’s so much perception, everyone talking, I was like, man, stop talking about perception, let’s talk about real, like, I don’t want people to perceive I want to be real. And that’s what the automatic was the general rule. But I realized it’s kind of like in training, your adherence to a program is the most important thing, you can put out the best program, but the client doesn’t adhere to because they don’t understand or like it, it’s not going to mean anything. And I didn’t get that at the start. I was like, No, I’m like these clients, what they didn’t know, like, we had just had a meeting. And off the back of that meeting, I had done advice, and a lot of my clients aren’t very good at reading advice. And I am, I must admit, I probably wasn’t great at explaining it, then we’d actually ended up reducing their risk and changing the investment portfolio which saved them at the start of COVID. It was something like 70%, right? Like we’ve done this, which each their own and what happens, but we basically made them about 70% in like a small month period from from strategic advice, but I hadn’t explained it very well, like they just sort of went along with it, because it was me and they’d signed the advice and done that. But they their perception was that we weren’t doing much. Even though in my head, I was like we’re doing we’ve done so much like I literally just saved just 75 grand in three months, or major 75 grand. And that was big compared to the rest of the portfolio. And I was laughing a bit I realized, it’s important, like perception is important in this, you know, you’ve got to not only the perception that you have on the market, but the perception your clients have or what’s really happening. And that was game changing. And those clients like to this day is like, I’ll take him to dinner for the rest of the lives because to this day, they don’t know where my business would be if that didn’t happen.
Ben Nash
Yeah, it’s super interesting. And that psychology side of things that really and the business impact of that it really fascinates me, it challenges me and it frustrates me a lot of times as well. But it is a really important one. And I know for us like it’s the perception, client’s perception of the value of advice. And what you’re doing is, is crucial, right? It’s crucial to their likelihood of success. And I think that that’s something that we still have a lot of work, we just had a workshop with our team this morning that it’s like we know, for a client that the value comes like just the financial upside value comes in all of these different areas. And that it’s like, you know, in the 10s of 1000s of dollars, and sometimes even hundreds of 1000s of dollars. But sometimes they’re not achieving it. And especially, they’re not so perceiving it, and particularly for younger clients that are seeking out financial advice. They’re typically the ones that are the high achievers, they’re seeking advice, because they want to, you know, kick a bunch of us and get get way ahead. And the generally like when you ask them how they’re going, or how they feel that they’re going, they’ll go Yeah, I’m feeling like seven out of 10. And then you like, Hold on a sec, like you’ve what you’ve done in the last 12 months is you bought that, you know that second investment property and that’s it and you save like $35,000 and your investment portfolio has grown grown by $80,000. And then you’ve done all these different things. And they’re like, Oh, yeah. Oh, that’s right. They don’t yet own that $5 million dream home that they Yeah. So they’re feeling
Ryan King
isn’t isn’t that isn’t the? Isn’t the juxtaposition of that when someone new comes in with an absolute dogshit financial scenario and they get hit? Yeah, yeah, I’m a 10 Is that Well, you go you go that’s Whoa, like this, this the behavior that and so I come in do my master’s at the moment, and I want to get down my PhD route. And the thesis area that I go down is but I love behavioral finance. Right, the the impact people’s mind have on their money. I just think I think there’s so much more to that than what people pay attention to. And that’s something that we do and I did what you were saying before about the financial benefit, right? Like I did a we’ve actually just pivoted our marketing campaign recently to get away from how much we make people and that kind of stuff because same thing happened last week and we did a feedback across our clientele and I was like, tell me, what do you value the most? And the number one thing people come back with was bro, we just love that you’re a white man. Like if we’re feeling down and whatever like we I can just give you a call because of my clients. And we do formally two meetings a year, six monthly. But I tell them, and this is why I’ve got so much staff behind me for one advisors because I say my best clients catch up with me 10 times a year, right? Like, I want to speak to you every month, even just 15 minutes, let’s get on the phone, let’s have a hot call, you know, and, and that’s not scalable. I tell advisors all time, do not copy what I do, you won’t be profitable. But I, I like that’s what we do. That’s what I love. And they gave me and we just love the fact that I can send you an Instagram message if I’m feeling down or I’m unsure about which toilet paper roll by, you know what I mean? And you’re there. And, you know, if I’m not sure about what’s going on, you’re hyper SAP or if I’m getting a bit too full myself, you bring us back down, you know, like, that’s the thing. And so we’ve completely pivoted out and that’s what our best clients say, there they go. We know, you give us our reviews, we know the financial stuff that you’ve you’ve teachers taught us that consistency is all that matters, it’ll come you know, everything will come and when you’ve built the trust. Now where we see the value is just being a white man. So our whole marketing pivot now is really more about, you know, do you have some good new corner tell you, one, when you need a bit of a boost to to give you the knowledge on how to actually execute on a boost? And three to tell you when you’re being an idiot? Because if you don’t that’s us. Let’s go. You know, that’s where we really add value. Hmm,
Ben Nash
yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s funny, but they you have to train them into that, I think because people 100% They don’t.
Ryan King
That’s where your social media comes. That’s the one thing about Instagram that I love that I used to hate is I now use my social media to train people before they come on board. That’s who I am. And that’s what we do. And that’s where the value is. And when they come on board, they’re so much further along that journey. Now. It’s crazy.
Ben Nash
Yeah, totally. I love it. When people save the things that you say back to them. It sort of makes sense that they’re saying that because they’ve followed along from the sidelines for however long. But it does make it does make the whole advice process a lot easier.
Ryan King
Mate. That’s one of the that’s why I say oh, sorry. You got I was just gonna say that’s why when we’re talking about the niche marketing, the part that I loved about that was that the more that when I was doing the before trying to go, my conversion ratio was horrible. When I got more niche and more down and down into it. Like my conversion ratio is almost 100%. Now from Instagram, right before it was like 15. It’s crazy, huh?
Ben Nash
Yeah, it’s a power of a consistent message, I think in the right message to the right people. Yeah, for sure. But honestly, I could talk about marketing all day. I’m sure you’ve you’ve been at it for about three bit over three years now. What’s what what have been the biggest shifts in your business over that time?
Ryan King
So yeah, we’ve been at it. Like we’ve been actively for about two and a half years, the year and a half before. So we’ve been in business for years, technically, the year before that was changing licensees and I went through some personal stuff, and we didn’t really go. So the two and a half years, what I really approach it on, and the big shifts in that time, I guess, is the first and foremost would have to be the pivot. Everyone had to make around COVID. So in multiple ways, right, like, not just out of office working and that kind of stuff. But for us, like I was so reliant on, I guess, strategy in the way of always having to backup my stuff with numbers. And, you know, I was I felt myself after COVID, especially, especially just recently, we like Russia, Ukraine stuff, like I felt like I was constantly saying, Oh, we’re in a once in a lifetime thing. I was like, bro, I’ve said this four times in my career, and I’ve only been in advice for six years, you know, like, I’ve had for one once in a lifetime things and I’ve got to find a different way to sort of present this. And that’s where I started really diving more into the psychology and pivoting around. Let’s talk about you and how what can we control? You know, what can you control? And how can we go down that path? And now man, I think to be honest, like advice is a real secondary point. I said this the offline. We have a real mix of coaching, you know, like we are not a lot of advisors hate financial coaching and for influences in that stuff. And I just think everyone having a crack are we going to do I can only influence what I influence and but I’m for our clients, we have a real nice mix. Like we do the advice once a year, maybe twice a year, it’s a bit more complex every year they get their advice, but then we have a coaching membership. So our clients sign up for advice. When they come on board, they pay up front like an investment and they get advice. And then they have a coaching membership and the coaching membership is come in educate, we’ve got programs we’ve got things like that and and we just educate them and coach them a bit of self doing bit of us doing it and allows us to read has allowed us to really get on top of the ball with such and I think the reason is, in the last two, three years, the economy is changing every couple of months, right? Like we’ve gone from the lowest rates ever to no inflation. Then we’ve got COVID comes down, got markets going down. We’ve got peak property prices, we’ve got low property prices, and then back to peak and then we’ve got the stock market taking a dip and coming back and now I’ve got interest rates rising and potential property or potential recession coming down and we’ve got, again, the Russia Ukraine, we’ve got markets like constant change, and you know, I don’t know wasn’t around 10 years ago for these 14 years ago, you could get away with annual reviews. And that would do you know, and it’s allowed me to get more involved my clients and focus on what’s really important and what they can control and talk to them more about, hey, you can only control how much you earn, spend less than what you’re allowed to spend and put this much in your future account. If you do those three things, and we stay consistent, everything will happen. And then let’s focus on goals off the back of that. So let’s focus on living a good life and enjoying ourselves. And, you know, we really pivoted away from the traditional financial advice model, which we still incorporate heavily, it’s the main part of our business, but we’ve just added that coaching side and the more frequent touches and the less, less complexity, I guess, like, like, like, there’s still complexity, but I feel like there’s more complexity over the long horizon and the short term and the short term starts where you can really generate the capacity to get that complexity. And we’ve just started focusing more on that short term changes, rather than waiting for a client to get capacity over time. So then we can do complex stuff, if that makes sense.
Ben Nash
Yeah, it does. Yeah, it’s simpler, but it’s harder. That’s the thing. It’s emotive life can be more complex, but potentially easier. But the behavior change the habits, the, like you said, the focus, keeping themselves hyped up, doing controlling all the things that you can control, and then keeping that consistent over a long period of time. That’s the That’s the difficult thing and requires real change. So but also, you know, obviously, with the rise of technology, that’s, that’s where it’s all going. So, you know, I think that’s where our clients will maybe want us but definitely where they need us. And, yeah, it might be that’s a future for sure. Yeah, for sure. Mate, what’s, what’s on the horizon? For you guys? What’s the focus at the moment what’s coming up.
Ryan King
So we put a pretty audacious goal out this year. You know, we’ve got our infrastructure and everything set up, I took it pretty easy. Last year, we only took on 28 clients last year, and we opened that book for three months, which got us to over 100, and I think it’s 112, or 116, I don’t know, somewhere around there for clients, and it was pretty good, it was pretty manageable. And so yeah, got all the infrastructure, got my staff laid out, got all that happening. And then this year, we’re gonna go pretty hard and try and get to 200 200 clients. And that will then keep me to the point where I can then branch that branch that infrastructure out and look at another advisor and look at scaling and essentially getting me to do less of the stuff I wish I would like I said, your phone, I’ve never I think I’ve logged in to explain once I’m not allowed to I don’t know, I haven’t at all, I don’t know. But you know, I just talked to clients and do basic strategy. And everyone else in my team does does the other stuff. And that’s why I can speak to people once every month kind of thing with that many clients. So we’ve worked out the two hundreds that capacity, we can no longer provide that value above that. So we want to get to that, or as close to that as possible, and then start looking at the next phases. But I’ve got other business in the works as well. And I think I said you’re about to close deal on my seventh business this year. And yeah, we’re big. We’re big on doing partnerships with clients, which I know people frown upon vancare they frown upon most of my business, the way I run my business, but we yeah, we find a nation we find a lot of our clients have these skill sets that we could leverage and either they don’t have the money or they didn’t have the business acumen and I can provide one of those two things and we go in and so this year, we want to launch a few more businesses with clients and just help clients launch their businesses and I’d really like to establish myself in the in the accumulation area of you know, I guess you got investors and you know this but like the hustle you know, I say I’m a Westie hustler. And I look after young ambitious hustlers. And the thing I pulled last year was I gotten three kings to a place off scratch that I was pretty proud of. But I wanted to then have a crack you know, I don’t own property, you know, I’ve got I’ve got my shares and that kind of stuff was super does well but I was just really putting everything into three kings which was worthwhile the valuation is great and works but I then was like, alright, this year is going to be about growing three kings as rapidly and focusing on my own accumulation. So then I can you know, I can basically expand that out to clientele and show you this is how we do it this is what I’ve done this is what works what doesn’t and let’s let’s start getting people to not just be in their nine to five unless they want that but my niche doesn’t really they want that those nicer things and and really cementing myself as if you want to take things to the next level for that my that target age group and that that kind of client you know kinigi Man King he’s the guy that will successfully get you to open something up and have skin in the game and and it’s just something a bit different to what normally most advisors do you know just offer a service that isn’t really out there at the moment.
Ben Nash
Well, I think I’ve found the topic for our next two podcasts the how the VC business accelerator one works and also how I’ll bring another advisor into the mix works because that’s a whole nother nother can of worms but made some exciting. pumped. My last question for you is that if you could go back to your day one self and do one thing differently, what would it be?
Ryan King
How far day one like school, they want to just advice day one,
Ben Nash
Three Kings Day One.
Ryan King
Yeah, I think the only thing that I was unfortunate that it didn’t pan out that way for too long is just don’t trust anyone is probably bad. Because you ensembles such a good a good community but for me, I surrounded myself with people that were in the industry older and you know, I really heavily leaned on him like I heavily leant on him to say, how do I do this and they pushed me down a direction that was their way not. And I basically just kept getting told what you do won’t work, what you don’t want work. And I kind of let that get in. I didn’t back off at all, you know, I didn’t back myself at all. And that took that took about a year and a half and about $60,000 Out of my kitty to learn that lesson. And so if I could go back, I would have just because as soon as I started doing exactly what I thought I could do from the get go, I started doing well making money being happier. If that’s the one thing if I could go back would just be back yourself more you trust that you’ve got the right you do have the right people, they don’t go and lean on people that you think do just because they’ve been in there longer, you know, anything like that. And yeah, just back yourself. And if you’re committed enough and you’re passionate about enough, and you’ve got the skill set behind it should work.
Ben Nash
Well, we’re in the new age. So I think sometimes you’ve got to have that it’s not that you know, things were different when you’ve got someone that’s got tons and tons of experience but it could be experienced in a different market and you know, that’s less relevant if you’re trying to do something that’s completely new but made it’s great to it’s great to watch I’m super pumped to see what’s what’s coming up for you and I look forward to our next conversation.
Ryan King
Appreciate it my love and as always, and I look forward to the next one.
Ben Nash
Thank you, Kingy and team we will catch you on the next one. Bye for now.