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financial advisors, clients, financial planner, financial, malaysia, financial planning, personal finance, planning, industry, financial advice, finances, services, advisor, podcast, wonderful, licensed financial, advice, people, realize, financial adviser


Gwen Lazarito, Selina Dang


Gwen Lazarito 

Hey guys, welcome to another episode of the financial advisor, South East Asian podcast, Glenn here and today I have a financial advisor from Malaysia. She is a licensed financial or certified financial advisor she is She also holds the capital markets services, representatives licenses. Aside from that, she is also a certified results coach. So I’m really excited to talk to her about all of these things. Please help me welcome Selena. Dang. Hello, Selena. Hi, Gwen. All right. And thank you so much for being here in the podcast, I really love to hear about all of the things that that you have to offer to us in terms of knowledge, because you have been in the in the industry for for quite some time. So I wanted to, to ask, by the way, or I just want to start this podcast by asking like, how long have you been in the industry?


Selina Dang 

Yeah, thanks for having me. It’s my privilege grant to be speaking to you today. Yes. When you talk about the financial planning industry, I’ve actually got my financial a financial planning license in 2015. That will be my CMS RL. So there will be about, say, six years now. Oh,


Gwen Lazarito 

but before that, you have been like in the in the field of financial services for for a while, right? Because I know in Malaysia you have to be, or you have to have experience in a certain financial role before you can become a financial adviser?


Selina Dang 

Yeah, actually, I was the director of a healthcare facility. So at that point of time, I was like, basically responsible for the daily running of the company. So I mean, mainly, you know, management issues and financials taxes, and all that. But that was from companies. level. Yeah, that’s right.


Gwen Lazarito 

So we started there in like a company. How did you? Yeah, how did you get into financial advice?


Selina Dang 

I think it all started, as part of my personal development. And the subject of personal finances, or, you know, it actually came about as I was regularly planning, you know, in trying to optimize my family’s financial situation. And looking back, I actually think was that at that point, I was approached by different people, and they were insurance agents, we call them agency, or some people would actually call them financial advisors, like insurance advisors, you have our unit unit trust agents, you know, tax advisers, and so on. And each of them, they will like selling their own products and services, you know, they will like individuals, and I ended up with this huge pile of quotations, you know, investment fact sheets, and so on to digest. And I remember then, you know, I ended up like, kind of confused with the choices that I had, and I even spent long hours and long days, you know, analyzing and comparing the plans, the proposals and the quotations that were given to me, before they before I even decide on what I thought may be the best decision at that point of time. Yeah. Yeah. So even as a director of this health care facility, I understood about company budgets and cash flow management, insurance, in taxes and so on. And I was also investing a lot of time to do my own investments. Okay. However, I noticed that being able to integrate all this money management and investing with the other areas of my financial situation at that time, such as like insurance and personal taxes, and planning for my children’s education funds, for my retirement planning, estate planning and so on, and to find the most effective mix. That was the real challenge to me, how I want to integrate all these things into one whole big bundle. Yeah. I came from a humble background. You know, we were huge Savers, and we had x also constantly worried about like, money was never enough, you know, that kind of thing. Yeah. And at that point, there was a lot of fear and limiting beliefs when it came to money, you know, whether I was doing making the right decisions, and over that I was kind of like going down the right road, you know, and I think it all stemmed with the fact from the fact that I didn’t understand the idea of a wholesome financial plan back then. Yeah. And so how did I get into advice, I think it was then, in my quest to learn more about personal finance, a close friend of mine, who is a certified financial planner, and she understood what I was going through. And also, we were having sort of like, talk, you know, discussion, I was constantly telling her all these problems that I had. And she said, Hey, you know, why don’t you go and register for the certified financial planning program? Okay, because whatever, you know, the gap that I see the problem that I see that you have, okay, it’s actually can, it can be solved by a certified financial planner. And that’s where things just took off from there. And that’s how I got into advice.


Gwen Lazarito 

Oh, nice. So in the quest for, like, learning more and trying to figure things out with, with how, with a plethora, basically, of the things that we need to take care of in our finances, you became a financial adviser. Did you? Did you foresee yourself, like staying in the industry for a long time?


Selina Dang 

Yes. In fact, I do see myself in industry. In fact, I research deeply on personal finance, and even completed a doctoral dissertation in personal finance, and graduated in a doctorate in Business Administration this year. So it is isolation. Thank you. And so this is sort of like, you know, a very personal for me, it’s very personal, and a very deep conviction for the industry. And for what I’m doing now, actually, Oh, that’s wonderful. Celine, so like, you really


Gwen Lazarito 

drove dove in and stayed in the deep end. That is because, and I’ve heard this before they end the quest. And maybe, maybe as well, for me, if the same thing, like in the quest of trying to find like the best way to handle our finances, we also got into the industry to learn more, and also to share because I think that you you think of the same way, like whatever it is that you were whatever questions you had with your own finances. For sure, there are a lot of people who had similar questions. And similar concerns as well. So because you’re already you’ve become a financial advisor, and a few, like, years, years past, and you’re still here in the industry, and you’re planning to do more, you’ve already had your your dissertation. And I also read here that you are and I mentioned this early, earlier that you have a capital market services representatives license, is that different from the license that you get when you become a certified financial advisor?


Selina Dang 

Okay, actually, in Malaysia, we don’t have a title court certified financial advisor. What we have over here is the title that we use, which is the licensed financial planner. So we have regulation bought here in Malaysia called the Security Commission Securities Commission of Malaysia. So in order to be licensed to provide financial planning services, okay, you need for me, I was I am actually attached to a capital market services license holder, that is my principle. And when I’m under the principle then I will be the license holder therefore, the the the certified sorry, the CMS RL, okay, the capital market service representatives license, so we are actually a representative. All right, and now we are licensed under Securities Commission to provide invest on financial planning services. I see


Gwen Lazarito 

it now. Okay. Wonderful. And aside from that, you’re also an F a certified training professional. Can you tell us more about that


Selina Dang 

FA is the finance accreditation agency And in order for us to provide training in Malaysia, to the financial institutions, one of the requirements is that we need to be finance certified training professional. So with this certification, we are able to provide training services to financial institutions


Gwen Lazarito 

are wonderful. And so like, why did you get this type of certification? Like what are the benefits aside from obviously, being able to provide training for, for businesses,


Selina Dang 

the Certified Financial training professional is actually, you know, a program that we go through is sort of like a train the trainer program. Okay. And with this certification, we are actually able to conduct financial education training. And just to tell us a little bit more, we are now actually one of the projects that I’m actually involved in is called the employee financial wellness program that is organized by the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia, in collaboration with bf m radio. So this program will actually target corporates. Okay. And it consists of our financial literacy workshops for employees. Okay, yeah, that’s


Gwen Lazarito 

right. And so there’s, you have more reach in terms of like helping other people. So you’re now able to help large groups, employees of a certain company in financial planning. Do you get some of your most of your clients from these these types of trainings?


Selina Dang 

Yes, in this case, actually, primarily, I get my clients primarily through referrals from existing clients. Yeah, men who find no matter where they find great value from my service. So they will actually refer me to their friends or family members. In addition, yes, I think that we I do get inquiries as well from participants who attend my webinars, or and some also from those who listen into my radio talk shows. Yes, it’s one way. Yeah. Oh, wonderful. So


Gwen Lazarito 

you also is out? Yes. I’m glad that you mentioned that you also have you also provide, what do you call it service? I don’t think so. But you also have a talk show in through the radio? How did you go about branching to that?


Selina Dang 

All this actually, is because I’m actually a member of the Financial Planning Association of Malaysia. And f Pam. Okay. That’s actually the short form, okay, f Pam, actually has collaborations with some of these radio stations. So at any point that, you know, when, whenever the service of a financial planner or whenever this panel is required for anything related to financial planning, then it actually goes back to F Pam. And they will, they will actually recommend some of the financial planners to take up the roles are wonderful. And one of those are well, it’s going to be you.


Gwen Lazarito 

And like, do you like how does the show work? Do you have like a weekly show where you discuss about personal finance or financial management?


Selina Dang 

Yeah, yeah, some of this actually based in on a series of personal finance talks. Okay. Many can have different topics every week, say for like about six to eight weeks. And we have different speakers who come up to speak about financial planning, you know, about retirement planning about what to call that about budgeting, money management, you know, perhaps about retirement planning, investments, planning, tax planning, and so on. I mean, the whole spectrum of financial planning, so it’s actually so wide. And we actually have different shows with different topics and with different panels, speakers.


Gwen Lazarito 

Wonderful. Now, I think this is an interesting question for our listeners. So you are a financial advisor and you also have a talk show on the radio. And obviously, these like services that you offer, or the things that you do require some kind of confidence in public speaking. So as a financial advisor, I think that finance, public speaking is such a crucial skill to have. But I wonder, have you always had or Have you always been comfortable in public speaking even before you became a financial adviser,


Selina Dang 

in my in my capacity, in fact, I started off Before before setting up the before being a part of this private health facility. I actually started off my career as a lecturer and a trainer. Way back. Yeah, that’s


Gwen Lazarito 

right. So that’s why it’s really like normal for you, and I guess organic for you to train to get like the training certification?


Selina Dang 

Yes, I would think so. Yeah. So it was actually where I started. But it was actually where my career started. I actually started in lecturing in academia, and also in training and development, before moving on into managing a company and after which, you know, getting being introduced to certified financial planning. And I became a licensed financial planner after that.


Gwen Lazarito 

Wonderful, and it’s so it was very, like normal for you to, to teach and speak and train and coach. But I guess I wanted to ask this question, because some financial advisors are good at speaking at one to one conversations with with one particular client or even two, but they don’t want to first like some, some, like financial advisors that I’ve reached out to, don’t want to, like guess in the podcast, because they’re scared to I guess, to have their voice or something like that into the interwebs. Or they’re afraid to go on, like talk shows, or radio shows or even do like a training session with a with a group of people. Like how do you think what what like what would help those kind of financial advisors to explore more on these type of, or expand their services, because I feel like, especially right now, it’s very helpful for your career as a financial advisors to have all these things


Selina Dang 

is, actually as I do agree, especially now, in COVID times when, you know, everyone sort of like they’re on social media, and everybody is tuning in to some webinars or some radio talk shows somewhere. So being able to being able to speak in public, therefore, you’re actually able to reach out to a much wider audience. Okay, so if you are actually thinking about branching out, I guess, it is important to have the confidence to do so. Okay. Just Just look at, try to do some self reflection on the areas that you may have been weak that you may be you think that you are weak at or maybe you know, the areas that you are not competent in and improve on those areas. Okay, build your confidence in those areas, and you will fly right after. I don’t see a reason why Yeah, yes, everything will be well thereafter.


Gwen Lazarito 

Yeah, like, and so I wanted to get our listeners advice from you. Because for someone in the financial advice sector, who’s doing well, who’s been in the industry for quite some time, and who’s also because I don’t, I haven’t encountered a lot of financial advisors who has gone into radio or to talk shows or training multiple or a whole company, so employees of a certain company. So I think that it’s very helpful to hear that for them to hear that from you. And I guess, oh, okay, so going back to financial to your financial advice, business. Since your since you’ve been in the industry career for quite some time. Now, do you have like an ideal client?


Selina Dang 

Oh, well, I work mostly with senior and C suite executives, who are in their mid career and pre retirement stages. But, however, to debunk the myth that financial planning is only for high net worth individual differently, I also work quite a bit with young adults and young professionals. And because I actually have this belief that financial planning is not only for those who are just no who are high net worth, but it’s actually it’s actually absolutely essential for those who are just starting out in their career, especially the young adults and young professionals. So for this group of people, we this actually mainly for me to educate them, educating them on the importance of financial literacy. And at the same time, getting them to leverage in all the available resources or tools that are available in your on the internet.


Gwen Lazarito 

Yeah, because I think it’s very, and I think I mentioned this in a previous podcast as well that here in the Philippines, there is that mentality to like financial advice is only for, for the above middle class, or the rich people. And I feel like it’s not, it’s something that we have to educate people against, because financial advice is for everyone. That’s why it’s called an advice. Just like any enterprise, it’s for everyone, and as well as financial management. So the more that you’re in tune with, with your management, and I, and some people even say that they can manage their own finances just fine. And I’m also one of those people for a very long time until I realized that I wasn’t doing very well, with with my finances, because although I wasn’t in debt, like I also didn’t have a retirement plan. So and that’s where financial advisors come in, right, like, you guys are the ones who help your clients see the bigger picture, as well as the potential for your clients money. Yeah, and so I guess, basing on that, like, like, how do you propose your, your or how do you position your value as a financial advisors to prospective clients say,


Selina Dang 

okay, just going back to the point that you were talking about, you know, financial planning is for everyone. Okay, something just came into my mind, you’re like I to just like you go in, and perhaps just like many of the listeners in today, I talked about, say, 15 years ago, you know, I really wish, at that point that I had a fiduciary planner or advisor, that came to me and offered me sort of like a comprehensive financial planning solution. Yeah. You know, someone would actually Yes, we know our goals, we know our needs, and we know how to manage our money. But sometimes we need that extra person there to help us understand our needs and goals, and also to help learn to give us a hand in mapping our financial journey. Yeah, yes. And looking back again, I think that this would have saved me years of experimentation, you know, a lot of trials and error. And not to mention also the time and money that was wasted, because I didn’t make the optimal financial decision


Gwen Lazarito 

I now, same goes here. So definitely, I think, like, a very specific example for myself is that I’ve always wanted to get an insurance policy after I graduated, but then my parents because they had they both had really bad experience with with insurance before, they would tell me like it’s a scam, all of that stuff. And so that was that went on for a decade, until I finally I actually married a financial advisor. So my husband could didn’t really like, it encouraged me to do anything, but because he was very passionate about financial advice. And I would listen to him, like, when he was still starting out, I would listen to him, like do mock interviews with or like mock conversations. And he would also, I would also become a guinea pig for him. I realized that, hey, I wasn’t doing like half of the things that he was advising to his clients, basically. So and that was when, like, we he was still like, my partner, who was still my boyfriend. And I realized, like, Hey, there are a lot of things that I thought that I was doing good already with my money. But now that I think about it, like I haven’t been saving for this, like, I didn’t realize my emergency fund was slow. Like, I thought I was good, and all of that stuff. And I know some of my friends who didn’t even have like a type of financial security and if times go bad, and so I also realized, like, Hey, there should be more financial advisors who are willing to educate these people or, or more people into convincing them that financial advice is really for everyone. Yeah, that’s true. Yeah. Because you know, like, I’m sure. Or maybe you’ve been into this situation like you felt like you were confident with with, with how you handled your money and then an unexpected event occurs. And then you’re you’ve fallen off track. That’s right. Yeah. Right. And so yeah, so now I’m very passionate about financial advice and also with regards to you and that’s why I we started this podcast is I guess, to help other financial advisors learn how to become better by like listening to this podcast and hearing, you know, best practices from other financial advisors such as yourself as well. Yeah,


Selina Dang 

that’s right. So going back to the question yeah, we got sidetracked for a while. Yeah. How would you How would I position myself as a financial planner, okay. Now, I would I actually look whenever I sign on a client and we have our discovery call to see our match okay. And when they are signed on the first thing that I normally look at this I look at where they currently are, okay, financially and in life as well and relative to where they want to be, right yeah, and then you know, we will work together okay and my advisory is actually what I would call the integrated financial planning service. And my advisory model is solution oriented and focuses mostly on the discovery and attainment of my clients as life and financial goals. So after coming to understand and all the underlying beliefs, okay, all the externals as well as the internals, okay, externals will be the numbers and so on and the internals, okay, how they flow, better how they feel about things, you know, what, what is their perspective about a certain issue and so on, then we will look at the tools and whatever solutions necessary to formulate a personalized strategy for them to be able to achieve their life and financial goals. And one thing that I’ve actually learned over the years is, as a financial planner, I think it is actually important, okay, in empowering my clients to make better lifestyle choices, because we can actually tell them, okay, this is the best and for example, you should save up six to 12 months of emergency funds, for example. Okay, but in the end is actually still up to them, whether they will they are willing, or they are able to commit to do that. Yeah, yeah. So it would actually, also as a financial planner, he will also, you know, we we actually have to think of ways how to empower our clients to want to achieve that. Okay, help them you know, I always strive to help develop healthier financial mindset for my clients, so that they are able to make this will inform life and financial decisions.


Gwen Lazarito 

Yeah, that’s right. Because you will always be there to tell them like, no, that’s a bad financial position, or this one is a good one, you should get this. So I think that that’s very important as well, for a financial advisor to be able to plant the seed on to your client in order for them to have that something in their heads would click right. Like when when they make or before they make a purchase, or they before they make their own financial decisions. They can look like step back and say like, would Celina fig boobs would be a good financial decision if I go for this, or would this be helpful for my finances? If I buy this?


Selina Dang 

That’s right. That’s right. So I think that it’s not only about advising in this case, but it’s also it’s also about empowering them to make better choices. Yeah. And


Gwen Lazarito 

oh, and because of writing into that, like, do you offer an ongoing service for your client? Or is it like a three month program that that you do for them? Yeah, or like for a certain period of time?


Selina Dang 

It actually depends on what kind of what what your goal is actually. Because sometimes, as a financial planner, it’s actually common to take on clients and write the financial plan and after three months, and you know, there’s no more client Tech or, you know, normal, further meetings with them. But for me, personally, I would think that a financial planning relationship should be a long, long term journey. Yeah. Yeah. Right. And so generally, in the earliest stages, I will think that my newer clients, I will meet them every weekly or even fortnightly and subsequently on a monthly basis, just for you know, we meet up basically to chat and see how they are, okay, how are they? How are they moving towards their goals? And how is life okay, and how has it affected their plan in you know, in achieving a certain goal, you know, that kind of thing. And thereafter, it will actually be more of like a six monthly, half yearly, or a yearly review, but very much depends on the client, because sometimes, you know, they do need to come see us also, or they have an issue that they need to sort out. And also they will call up and say, Oh, can I can we meet up? so and so? Yeah, then that’s where we’ll just come Come on again, and speak to them and speak to them, actually. Yeah. And,


Gwen Lazarito 

and I think that you’re absolutely right, when, when you said that you should have or ideally, financial advisors should have an ongoing relationship with their clients. Because, as we talked about earlier, we are like, the financial advisors are the cheerleader. So you’re not only coaches, but you’re also cheerleaders, to your clients, you empower them to make better financial decisions. But sometimes, especially if it’s just like a three month program, after that program, their situation, their financial situation, or their life situation tends to change. And maybe they, they lose that empowerment, because there’s no one there to well empower them or to help them, you know, when when times go get down, or maybe the the situation changed, like this client of yours used to be single, and now he or she is expecting, they’re like, first child. And so that changes, and it’s not going to be the same program that you’ve created for that three months, it’s going to be different, right? That’s right. You’re right. Yeah. And so I would really prefer or encourage, I guess, clients to do like a life long relationship similar to I would say, I would Akin this to having a long term relationship with your physician, right? So you, if you have, like the same physician for a long time, it’s a good idea to, to keep that because they already know you. They they know like, what your allergies are your medical history, and so it’s easier for them to provide you with a sound medical advice. So kind of the same for financial advisors that financial advisors already know like your spending habits, your your tendencies, with regards to how you spend your money, or like when you spend your money if your clients are emotional spenders. And so you you form this relationship, and you know, their background and stuff. So it’s easier for you to formulate a plan for them in case any, like situation in their life change. Absolutely. You got it right, though. Yeah, absolutely. Yes. I was just explaining this, because I know that there will be some stray listeners out there who are not financial advisor. So it’s good to have, I guess, educate them. And maybe hopefully, they look for a financial advisor if they haven’t had already, so yeah. And also, I guess, now this question is definitely for financial advisors specifically for the new ones that are out there who wished still starting out in the industry, like, how do you acquire? Or how have you acquired clients? Who has become your number one? Your number one fans, those who constantly refer you, their friends, their family? So how were you able to acquire those?


Selina Dang 

Well, generally referrals from existing clients, you know, is that when they actually find great value from the kind of service that we offer them, and also from the trust and the bond that we have with them, okay, going into a financial journey with a person is like, kind of like a hand holding kind of like You know, long term relationship. So when when my clients, they come to the awareness or when they realize that, you know, this is my perspective of how things work, versus, you know, those, perhaps some who actually have a shorter term views about, you know, a financial journey or a financial plan, okay, they will realize that the value actually comes from this personalized long term and committed relationship that I give to them. And most importantly, I think, as the fiduciary services, get among buyers, in my advisors that I give them, and very transparent, and, you know, everything, it’s transparent between another client and I can, especially when it comes to fees and Commission and the kind of the kind of money that they pay, I think they are concerned, one of the main concerns is that and how transparent we are, and also on the fiduciary advisors that we give them whether you know, we are unbiased in the kind of investments or insurance or even estate planning service that we provide them. Yes. So I always, I always have my interest, my clients has interest in heart, their best interest in my heart. And somehow, yeah, that that is what they realize, after some years, and this is the kind of value that they see, and therefore refer me on to the other friends or even family members.


Gwen Lazarito 

Yeah, that’s wonderful. So because part of the, like, majority of the financial advisors that I’ve talked to, in this podcast, is, are are already like, years and years in the industry. And I think, like 90%, if not all of them rely on referrals now for their business. And it’s kind of interesting, because if I talk to or when I talk to financial advisors who are still starting out, part of the reasons why they find the industry difficult is because it’s hard for them to to find clients who will trust them. Who Yeah, so who would give their money for their services? Right. So when you started out in the financial advice industry, how’re you taking on clients? Like, were they referred to you at the start? Or did you have to, like do calls or like, call people? Or like, have this list? Where you you do cold calling?


Selina Dang 

I guess I’m you know, kind of fortunate? Because I actually know of some financial advisors? I’m not sure about planners, I think, most licensed financial planners, we don’t do cold calls. Okay. Yeah, that’s right. And I’m actually quite fortunate because I started out as a full fledged licensed financial planner, meaning that I was not, you know, tied to any agencies or any insurance or unit trust agencies before this. So when I started off in financial advice, it was right into financial planning, being a licensed financial planner. So at that point, it was actually more of referals. And also like what I mentioned to you earlier, through through the kind of like, podcasts, sorry, not podcasts, truly webinars, and also truly radio talk shows. And also, we get referrals from our advisory itself sometimes when people call up the advisory, and we get the cases referred to us directly. Ah, that’s wonderful.


Gwen Lazarito 

You You already have like a different avenues in where you acquire your clients. And I guess so. I’m sorry, I guess I got the naming wrong because in Australia, so the podcast that we have originated in Australia, so there’s also an x y advisor, podcast for Australia and this one is Expert Advisor for Southeast Asia. So in Australia, financial planner and financial advisors are actually the same or they’re interchangeable. And so I guess when I said financial advisor earlier, I actually read financial planner, so sorry for that, but I get your point. So in Malaysia, if you say financial advisor, they’re more on the like the the insurance agents are insurance advisors, whereas financial planners are, are those who are most likely not attached to any agencies.


Selina Dang 

That’s right. Yes, we are actually called a licensed financial planners in Malaysia. And you actually need to have earlier like you said, the CMS RL license to be able to, to be a licensed financial planner and be able to offer advice on the whole spectrum of all the different categories that he has from, you know, from cash flow to risk management to retirement planning, investments, tax estate planning. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, you need a licensed financial planner to be a licensed financial planner to offer this integrated, comprehensive financial planning solution.


Gwen Lazarito 

Yeah. And I think that’s wonderful, because it means that the advisor, the industry, in general, is heavily regulated in Malaysia, making it something of a more, you know, trustworthy in terms of the way the advice is provided, because let’s face it, especially now, you hear like, I’ve seen a lot of, like, quote, unquote, financial advice in the internet. And when you check out that person who’s providing financial advice, like they’re not licensed to do it. So if you follow that person’s advice, and it fails, unfortunately, then you won’t be able to, he doesn’t, or that person does not have any, how do you call that? Like, he doesn’t have you won’t have any claims to that? Because he’s not regulated by a certain but body in the in the government? Yeah, that’s right.


Selina Dang 

Basically, giving out non regulated advice, and that can be actually quite dangerous. Yeah, especially in East Asian time where everyone access has access to the social media. And there are a lot of investment gurus and, you know, financial advisors just popping up everywhere, offering us all kinds of schemes, you know, investing, you know, in fact, in and in fast cash, fast cash, you know, get rich, quick kind of thing. So, we need to be wary actually, with the people whom you’re going to work with. And the kind of people whom you sign up with, you know, do a background check on them. In Malaysia, you’re actually able to go this to the Securities Commission website, and do a background check on the person that you’re going to, you’re going to work with, because we actually have a registered register of registered persons and companies who are licensed, okay. And if at any point that you realize that you do not see their name there, or you know, when you do a background check on them on the Securities Commission website, and it does not appear. All right, then you need to be wary about this.


Gwen Lazarito 

Definitely. Because what as we mentioned, again, it’s very hard to rely on the advice of people who maybe did not really study their advice well, or did not have any financial background, up until the time that they’ve provided the advice. That’s so true. Well, Selena, I was so happy to be chatting and you have definitely provided a ton of golden nuggets. In our short aren’t it’s not really short, but in the context of like the day that we have the 45 minutes that we have. Thank you so much. But before we end the podcast, I guess my final question is, like, Can you give us an advice for upcoming financial advisors and how they would make this this industry or become a financial advisor, like a permanent courier?


Selina Dang 

Alright, for those who are actually just starting out in the industry, I guess, the most important is to have the level of knowledge sufficient level of knowledge to be able to carry out your duties and responsibilities. Okay, work hard, I would say you really need to dig really deep inside you to be able to work hard and try to achieve what you want to achieve. Okay, and it will pay off whatever that you want to achieve. You will be able to achieve it. It will pay off all the hard work that you put into it.


Gwen Lazarito 

Thanks so much Selena and I think that’s absolutely true. Knowledge needs to go hand in hand with with the will to To do the things that you’ve already learned, so thank you so much for being on the show. I had a wonderful time speaking with you.


Selina Dang 

I hope you’re most welcome Glen. Really, really a pleasure to speak to you today. Thanks so much. Have a good one. You too grand. Thank you. Bye bye

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