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It seems most Financial Advisors are no longer of the mindset that Fintech is going to replace them, but rather complement them and their value proposition for clients.

So if this is the case, surely the question then has to be – how can Advisors leverage the power of Fintech in a post royal commission world?

Chris Ridd (LinkedIn: /chrisridd) has an impressive career history in tech. After working at Microsoft for 15 years, he then took on the role of CEO at Xero and led the growth of the company from a handful of employees to over 300. Now, he is part of the executive team at myprosperity ( and believes the key for an advisor to not just exist, but to flourish in a post RC world, is to first help their clients feel like they’re in control.

In this episode you’ll learn:

4:22 – The three elements Chris looks for in a sound startup.

12:44 – What’s the key for an advisor to not just exist, but to flourish in the next 5- 10 years?

31:00 – How to be an effective leader and drive a great company culture

35:10 – Why leaders DON’T need to know everything, and the importance of authenticity

39:17 – What is the best thing advisors can do to grow their business?

41:24 – Are advisors using MyProsperity as a lead generation tool? If so, how?

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This podcast is brought to you by HUB24 (, an ASX listed company with over $10b in funds under management and one of the fastest growing platforms in the market. They believe in connecting advisers to innovative solutions that create opportunity, while delivering an awesome user and client experience. They’re big time supporters of advisers going solo and their BDM team are great to work with. We’re proud to partner with HUB24 – they’re big fans of the XY community and are continuing to help drive the positive evolution of financial advice.

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