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Episode details

Dr. Carla Harris’ (LinkedIn: /drcarlaharris) professional career is nothing short of diverse. After completing her PhD in Environmental Science, she then pivoted into the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s Research & Analytics division.

More recently, she completed her MBA and spent a lot of time looking at how to reduce the superannuation gap, which is so prevalent for many Australians.

Highlights from this episode:

5:20 – What is LongevityApp and how does it work?

9:30 – What Financial Advisors can do to help close the super gap

6:15 – Why consumers won’t think about their future if they have to make an immediate or lifestyle sacrifice now

14:17 – Why Advisors play a really important role in creating early engagement around super

17:36 – Is the statement ‘young people don’t care about super’ really true?

Show Notes:

Longevity App –

XY Adviser Online Training Platform –

General Disclaimer –

This podcast is proudly supported by Netwealth (, an ASX listed company ranked #1 for overall platform functionality and user satisfaction by Investment Trends for the past three years.

Netwealth understands that the Financial Advice landscape is changing and is providing market leading technology to help you explore new perspectives and realise new efficiencies. Through excellent customer service and expertise, Netwealth are working with XY Advisers to innovate and drive Financial Advice forward.

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