How great public speaking skills can greatly help financial planners with Adelle Toledo – Transcript
2 August 2021
Gwen Lazarito
Hey, guys, welcome to another episode of the financial advisor, South East Asian podcast. When here in today we have a financial advisor from the Philippines with a passion for the mission. This is at Delta lendo. Hello, Adele. Great to have you on. Thank you for having me here. You’re welcome. I’m so glad that you’re here right now. So just a backstory, you guys. Adele and I have known each other for quite some time. Now. We are part of this same group that maybe we’ll get to talk about this later in our course have a conversation. But actually right now, it’s very interesting, because Adele has just told me about her origin story, why she started, or how she started her financial advice. Career. So Dell, this is my first question for you. Like, how did you start? And why did you start becoming a financial advisor?
Adelle Toledo
Well, thank you, Gwen. Maybe I will start with y. y. Yes, it’s sort of, you know, as Filipinos we have this, or I’m so shy to refuse of this particular friend, she kept on inviting me. And she wants me to be part of the group. But actually, I don’t really have the thing for insurance, selling. But I said at the back of my mind, okay, I will just give it to her. And then maybe after six months, I will just disappear or find reasons why I was I would stop in this business. So that’s how my journey started in this insurance company.
Gwen Lazarito
Right? And like, how did that progress? Why did you stay like three years later? Why are you still in the industry?
Adelle Toledo
Well, maybe, as of now, the first two things that came to my mind because this is an impromptu questions. One of the reason is, first is I found family, in my, in my group, I think the relationship is very important. Anywhere you anywhere you work, anywhere you go, relationship is very important. You stay in the family, because there there’s relationship that exists. Same with my journey in AXA, because my group, I really regard them as my friends. And we have this good times together. So I did not notice that the time passed by and oh, I stayed here for one year already. So I think the first one is the relationship that I establish with my co workers. And the next one is that later part of the journey, I captured the vision, which should be because in some some of the financial advisor they really joined the business or the company, because they already captured the vision. They want to do something like this. They want to help people on my, on my personal journey. The vision, the catching of vision was a little bit late because I realized, Oh, this one is a novel is a novel profession. Because my profession, I’m a nurse Gwen. So yeah, I really love to help people. But this is on the other side of the fence. As a nurse, I realized, Oh, I can also help people through their finances, not only when they’re sick, but then you can also help them not only physical sickness, but I can also help them with their financial illnesses. If we Yeah,
Gwen Lazarito
yeah, yes, i i agree. And that’s such like a 360 turn for your career from being a nurse to being a financial advisor, but still, like the advocacy still remains the same too. Help people and to you know, help them get better get well. So before it was their body, and now it’s their finances. So, to me, that was a very interesting story now that you started, because you couldn’t say no to your friends. And now, a few years later, you’re part of the financial advisor group who’s very passionate about teaching people and making sure that they’re doing or they’re utilizing the best ways for their money. Now, it’s very interesting that you mentioned that part of the reason why you stayed is because you love working with your coworkers. And I can definitely agree with that. I think the your work place or the like your work environment is such a big part, in your happiness in your in the career that you’ve chosen. So can you tell me more about like, your the things that are your group is doing right, in terms of fostering a positive mindset or a positive environment for work?
Adelle Toledo
Yes, what we what, what we do Oh, no, before the pandemic, we have this usual month, we call that money, Monday impact, where we gather together all the units and then we learn something and after that, because you know me already, because we’re, we’re on the same group in Toastmasters club. Yeah. So my personality is a little bit Sunny, like I’m the sunshine of the group. So when we gather together, sometimes I would be the host, I would be I would, I would be the responsible, I would be the person who’s responsible for the icebreaker, or something like that. And before if I may add, I’m I was also teaching six years ago in a college, in a, in a college university back in Mindanao. So I really love to talk to people. So when we gather together, there’s a training or product training. And after that, we have this icebreaker activity. So most of the time, I’m the one responsible for that. And then I find by doing that, I find I, I find the meaning of existence in a knot, I realize all being here, it’s not only earning money, being here is also building relationships, because there are a lot of financial advisors who are so stressed when they come in the office, their friends or not. So when we we call that as Filipinos are, their faces are not arranged. It’s like your room. So me as a bubbly person, I would really go to their seat and talk to them.
Oh, how’s
Adelle Toledo
your week, how’s your weekend, so I realized, Oh, I’m being placed here because I would be the sunshine of their, of their dark moments. And then maybe I realize that after work, because I love to go out one additional, in addition to our activity, we also go to coffee shop or restaurant we eat together. And most importantly, maybe the thing that really, really stayed me, that really put me in this job is when we, when we meet clients, right? We will meet them in a coffee shop or like that. So that’s my thing. So I really love it,
Gwen Lazarito
like so communication and connection with other people. You live for that. And I can definitely agree because you as you mentioned, you like talking and you like conversing with people. But it’s actually different. Like I don’t know, if you agree, but it’s different if you converse with people in a regular manner, like in a formal way. And it’s also different if you’re conversing with them for like a prospective client, or someone that you’re trying to teach and inform about financial education and provide financial advice, right?
Adelle Toledo
Yes, I agree. Because when it’s the normal conversation is like give and take but here, I think the most important thing that really, that really established me in this job, if I may add, you know that I have, you know, I have lots of jobs like, hospital agent, like we’re selling hospital supplies, and then we’re talking to doctors, purchasers for 12 years. So I develop not only here, we’re not here to exist as financial advisor to educate people. But I think the most important thing also, which is equivalent to educating them is your listening ears, you need to you need to listen. Because when you don’t know how to listen, the people, the people will disappear, because sometimes they’re very, very being being put or place in a in a manner where they should be heard. So when you will not be listening, when you’re not hearing their sentiments or their problems, you will not know how to respond, what products to offer, because you’re not listening. So I think listening skills is very important in this business in order for you to survive. So for the 12 years as hospital agent, maybe this made me better financial adviser, because I already capture that I should listen in a way to my clients.
Gwen Lazarito
Right? And yes, I definitely agree. It’s It’s one thing to talk but it’s another to Ashley, linen ears, who your client and really find out what’s what their needs are right, and then base your recommendations through what you’ve learned from them. But I’m, so you’ve been a hospital agent for 12 years. So that’s ample experience in the like the sales field. Did you have any struggles when you were starting out as a financial advisor, though, because it’s one thing to sell equipment that hospitals really need? Like they know they need it? And so they buy it? So I feel like it’s it’s something that’s not very I know, there are challenges, but it’s is it it? Was it difficult for you to start your career as a financial adviser, even though you’ve had ample experience with as a hospital agent? Yeah,
Adelle Toledo
I agree with you, it’s a different thing. And when you’re selling hospital products, like three m, I’m sorry, I’m mentioning products here. That’s my, that’s my like sponges, gauze and raw bandage, roll, anything like that. It’s so nice. It’s an everyday, everyday thing that the hospital should really purchase from us. But here in insurance company, it’s really hard selling. So when they started, you know, an ad before I My first job was in Manila, and I was raised in Mindanao. So I, I spoke very well in bisaya like vernacular language when I get there, I really have a hard time speaking in Tagalog. So I was like the Android dogs. So that gives me an inspiration that I want to tell the whole whole world that there is no limitation that this tongue of mine will, even if I’m from Mindanao, I will read Excel. So during those times, I really work hard and I was on top of my group. So I’m like top one top two, because I don’t like to be taken as you know, I’m from the province like that. So it’s really an the inferiority complex of me that pushed me to shine. So for the 12 years, I develop this maybe subconscious egotistical corrector that, Oh, I’m really good in selling and so when I started in, in this business, I realized that I was being seen mode Have you have you experienced that? You’re, you’ve you try to write a very nice and professional statement and sentences, telling them that you’re in this company, you want to help them and their financial difficulties and like that, or you want to you’re a financial educator now, like that, and they’re just seeing the messages and then I realize I never back up though I, I realize that, oh, even in your friends list, you realize that they’re not friends, because they’re not answering so my sentiment was answering ways Why on way scene mode? Why not answer? Oh, I’m sorry, I’m busy right now, but they’re not answering me at all.
But yeah,
Adelle Toledo
give me that experience made me pushed me to go on I realize if I will stop now, that will give them that will validate their the assumption that I will not stay this long in this business. So I said, I should stay here longer than my, because I said I will stay six months. But no, I will not stop six months, I will show these people who seen more than me, post me that I will exist here that I’m on the right path, though, time, my motive was wrong. But thank God. I survived for that six months, one year. And now it’s three years because I realize, okay, be insane mode is part of the journey. It’s not. It’s normal. There’s nothing to be scared of. But honestly, it’s a different thing when you’re working in the hospital, when you’re not promoting your products, but you’re just asking the doctors or the purchasers if they will order but here you have, you are really pushing the product, you are educating people, because in our country insurance company is not really it’s not that, how will we say it? Like the people are not so open Indian women, the insurance things? So yes, they still have doubts, doubt and have trauma with
Gwen Lazarito
regards to previous or past negative experiences with like other products that were masked as insurance. Yes. mask as insurance. Yeah. So. So you started in the business of thinking that just stay for six months? You extended a bit, you told yourself that you’re going to extend just one
Adelle Toledo
point. Yeah, he’s the one year for those things. So when they told me Okay, I will stay six months because of my friend who invited me. And one year because I want to prove to the friends who seen mod me that I will pass the six months period.
Gwen Lazarito
Yes. But eventually you stayed because he realized that this is a noble profession, and that there is actually opportunity for you to help people. So that is a very interesting journey. And I’m glad you share that though. Because I know that there will be financial advisors who are going to listen to this podcast first might be in the industry, because they were coerced to join me. And, and then maybe some of them also feels that, you know, the, the it’s not more on sadness, or maybe it is like the sadness of me seeing so. And it’s, it’s a good way for us to give them hope that you know, you can actually stay and it’s, it’s a normal thing in this industry that not all people are going to believe you right away. But that you are also you also need to build your credibility, exact to other people and one of building credibility is to stick to that industry. Because you believe in the nobility of your, of the thing that you’re doing, and not just because, but it’s very hard. Like I that was one of the reasons. Partly, just to be honest, one of the partly one of the reasons why I stopped as a financial advisor, because Krishna and I were starting out together. And then we did it fall full time. And we realized after a year that I No, no, that wasn’t really a year, like eight months. But hey, I think this can’t sustain us as a family. So one of us had to work and I said that, okay, that’s fine. I’m going to work because he’s actually better at you know, convincing people and reaching out to people. I’m not very good. That’s my not one of my strengths. So I realized I just have to go back to work and then as actually as I was, you know, trying to figure out how I can still be in the industry without selling it. I realized that I can do this like I can, I can do podcasts, I can educate other people through social media. So now it has been, like a really great journey for me. But speaking of journey, Dell, so three years later, you’re still in this in this industry, and you’re thriving in the industry. How were you able to grow your client base? When, what because you started out like people would hear you out?
Adelle Toledo
Yes, my friends here in Cebu will just seen mod me. But I have this, you arrived when you said that credibility is very important. So my first clients were my family. They’re really, they’re the people who really believed in me, because they know me already, that I’m not into this monkey business, that’s what they call it. So when I offer something, they will really if they have the need, or the money to buy it, they will really buy it from me, because they know already, that what I’m what I’m telling them is really true. So credibility is very important. So my first clients were my family and friends back in, back in the province, like my high school classmates, the the old friends. So it’s very hard for me to gather a specific clients here in Cebu, because I don’t have relatives here. And my friends here are also friends of people who are also selling insurances, so they sell. So I said, it’s okay. So I will be, I will be focusing more, which is very important. Also, you focus on your strength for it. For the meantime, I focus on my family and friends, those people who really believe in me, and then I just, I’m not kidding, I know there will there will there will be people who will be hearing this one and this very day. I just came out from a sale. I yes. And a friend who also, I don’t know if she’s part of the group who seen more than me, but this client might just today, she signed up for a Health Fund or health policy. We’re not really close. We’re not we’re just acquaintance friend. And then I, I offer the product to her sister. And then she was just at the at the side listening, but she was a she’s my schoolmate back in law school. You say? You see I have lots of things doing in my life. You know, I’m a nurse, I also went to law school. So he was my roommate. He was my she was my senior. And then she told me Oh, Mom, Dad, how about me? Do you think there is something for me? Oh, so you see, minimality is very important. I don’t have friends close friends here in the city. And all my close friends also have family members who are selling insurances. And when they know me deeper, they realize that I am a dependable person with credibility. So when you’re selling insurance, and insurance policy, it’s very important that you are credible, especially the people are so allergic when we say that allergic to an insurance because they will think oh, it’s a scam again. So as an agent or as an advisor, you should be there. Even when you even when you will not speak yet the people would know that you are not a person who will try to scam people. So you should be dependable, credible. And mind you I’m not selling really hard selling, pushing. Even if you look at my social media sites. I’m not maybe once in a while a post insurance thing or post but I don’t sell or hard sell that much. Because what I’m trying to establish is my character, me as a person that I’m like this you can depend on me that’s how my my client a pool of client expanded. So Miss on the knowledge that this Adele this agent, Adele is really dependable. She will not offer something that’s that’s that has no use of the client. So that That’s how I build my client list.
Gwen Lazarito
I see. So in that case, instead of selling the product, you are actually, you’re instead selling yours yourself, right? Is that? Does it sound nice when you are selling your credibility, your as a, as a professional as a financial advisor, so, so that when you are ready to talk, or when you talk to that person, they know that if if you’re going to recommend something, something to them, if you’re going to give them some financial advice, you they know that it’s sound advice, because you are a credible person.
Adelle Toledo
Exactly. So not a really selling product. But yes, you’re right, selling myself, I’m selling my, my profession, like it’s very important that people would know that you are the person who, whom they can depend on.
Gwen Lazarito
That’s right. And so I want to ask, because you have sales experience, and then you are, but you said that it’s different to to sell equipment than to sell insurance and you know, provide advice. And your your you also had initially difficulty reaching out to people. And now that you’ve built your own credibility, people are willing to listen to you. But I feel like it’s also a different story on how you convince them, that this is the that your advice is sound, or that they have to listen to advice. And we talked about this before that it’s really good to have public speaking skills in, in, in the careers that we have right now. So for me, personally, public speaking has helped me in, you know, starting a podcast or starting a YouTube channel and then, you know, providing general advice with regards to finances or financial literacy, and all those is because of the confidence that I’ve gotten through public speaking but for for, for the financial advisor who meets clients, one client one person a day, let Why do you think public speaking is important for your message to come across to that particular client? Yeah, it’s
Adelle Toledo
very important because when we say public speaking, it’s not only measured by the words that you’re saying, you know, am I allowed to say our club?
Gwen Lazarito
Yeah, sure.
Adelle Toledo
So before before, I joined this company, AXA financial, the AXA company, before the Toastmasters club before joining Toastmasters club. But before that, I was already teaching college. And like, I can really say that my speaking abilities not really good. I love to talk but I don’t have this systematic way of presenting is just always an impromptu speaking, what I what I felt in my heart, and in my mind, I will readily say it right in front of a person. So they saw me as a very transparent, very honest person. But sometimes it’s not the case. When you want to convince people words, it’s not only about words, it’s beyond words. So here comes the public speaking, it’s very important in the sense, because when in, you know, when you know, in our Toastmasters club, we were being taught how to say not only words, but including our gestures. Yeah, we the eye contact is very important, because the clients would say, oh, maybe it’s not really honest. Because he’s looking, the agent is looking at the side, floor and ceiling. What is she trying to say? Yes, that’s this advisor have other agenda aside from selling products. So, you know, public speaking is not only about words, how, how much of the words you can say how eloquent you are, how profound is your message, but also your gestures, your eye contact, and also we were being taught when to stop speaking. You can talk for hours presenting to the client when you know already that your client is not listening. Yeah, we’re being time right Gwen?
We have
Adelle Toledo
five to seven minutes speeches. So this is really important. This has helped me become a better a better financial advisor, because I realized, oh, time is of essence, if I will talk too much, the client will cannot hear me anymore. There are words, and there are important messages that will be missed out, because I talk a lot. So before going to the client, I really, what do you call this one outline the important things that I should mention. So this public speaking skills was really developed. It has been developed by being a Toastmasters club member when I was part of this club, so it has helped me also. So yeah, important.
Gwen Lazarito
Yes. And that’s why I really included this topic in our conversation with regards to public speaking, because their financial advisors are the there are people who start with financial advice, and they have good intentions. They’re recommending the right products, they’re providing sound financial advice, but they’re always dumbfounded when at the end of their meeting, the client says no, and it frustrates them. Like, they have all the good intentions. It was a good presentation, like they think that it was a good presentation, because they’ve conveyed all of the things that they wanted to say. But then the client still says no. And I feel like sometimes it’s because of the lack of the public speaking skills. They haven’t really developed that yet. And as, as you mentioned, eye contact is like very important, I think it’s one of the things that we should really practice and in our club in Toastmasters, we really have that as well, hand gestures, and how convincing you sound. I think that’s one of the most important things as well. And that would make a really good presentation. Because I think there was like, I think we attended one of the Toastmasters seminar where someone said something like, if there are two people who say the same things, the exact same thing, but one said that in such great public speaking skill, with conviction, with the right hand gestures at the right moment, you will definitely be more convinced with that person than with the with the other person who would just play nice, say what the message was. So it’s very different when it was it is. It’s, I think it’s like this skill that you a lot of people, not just financial advisors should be able to develop, right? Especially an important part of communicating to other people.
Adelle Toledo
Yeah, I agree. Because even hand gestures, when you open your hand, there’s the meaning of that, when you raise your left hand, when you raise your both hands, these, all these gestures have meanings. So I think this really contribute to being who you are how your clients perceive you, like you’re talking of a very important thing. In Toastmasters club, we were being taught how to pause so that our client can internalize how important that point is. So if you kept on talking and talking, because you’re very eloquent, you’re very good in talking, and you don’t mind pausing. So sometimes our client would miss the you would miss the very essential thing that you’re trying to imply to the person. So it’s very important for me, not only in financial, not only an insurance company, anywhere you go, even in our family, as communication is very important. We should know when to stop, when to shut up, when to talk, when to let them feel that they’re very important. If I may add, that’s my technique to my client. I really before going to them, I really, I read it myself to let them feel that you know, you are my world now. You will be You are the most important thing today. So putting things aside when you talk to them, focus and then I Contact and then let them feel that they are important. You’re there for them, you will listen, you will provide solution, you will not be getting money from them. But you’re there for them, because they have a problem that they need to solve. And you are there to help them.
Gwen Lazarito
Yes, exactly. So that I think that’s one of the things that financial advisors and actually other people should readily work on. Because sometimes, some people can come off as being insincere, when they’re really not because of the way they’ve handled themselves during a conversation or meeting. So yes, and how are you? So until now, you know, we’re still learning, right? We’re still the same club, and we’re still learning every reading, there’s still so much more to learn. And with that, and I know that I think we talked about this a while back before, before the pandemic, that you are one of the reasons why you came on to or you joined the Toastmasters is because you’re a person who wants to learn. So and until now you’re learning and evolving as well. So in terms of like, and you mentioned, as well, that one of the things that you love with your group is that you have you huddled together every Monday to do product training to learn more from one another. And I just so you, are you still doing that with your team?
Adelle Toledo
Yes, every Monday, yeah. Not not with the not not with a branch as a group, not as a branch. But where that as a unit, because we have this social distancing. So we limit the people. So we do it per unit before that, as because my group found out that I’m part of the Toastmasters International Club, so they allow me to speak and believe. And would you believe that? This when I realized, oh, not until when I reach four years old, I was able to host a wedding? Because before my personality is really vibrant. And all I can I can be when there’s reunion, I can do this, but not really. And then one of my acts, a friend told me, please can you be like this? And that because we want a more vibrant and very happy environment? So if they invited me or if they tried to convince me to be the wedding host without those masters in turn, those Masters Club experience, believe me, I would say no, because before, before Toastmasters club every time people would invite me to talk, even love to talk, I would say, No, no, I don’t like to be on stage, I don’t like to talk, I don’t like to be a part of that. We will just talk one on one one on one. So
Gwen Lazarito
yeah, and that’s one of the things that I wanted to point out as well. So thank you for mentioning that. So not only is public speaking, or you know, honing your public speaking skills, enabling you to make better connections with your, with your colleagues, you are also you now have the confidence to actually do the things that you don’t normally do before correct. Hosting or hosting your your events, some of your company events, and it has really helps you foster relationships. So that’s one of the things that I’m really excited about public speaking as well. It can really help people connect with one another better. And also it’s a it’s a it’s a good way to meet people, right? If you have the confidence to talk to them, because you feel like you have good skills and public speaking.
Adelle Toledo
Yes, Yes, we are. Yeah, I agree. Because before and I’m the same person. But now I realize with those musters experience and realize that when you talk, when you talk and you when you commit mistakes, that’s not really important. The important thing is, you are on the road to bettering yourself. Because before that is why I don’t want to talk because I don’t want people to notice my lap says my mistakes. But with jazz masters, not only public speaking but they’re teaching us how to be humble because you Not until when I’m with those masters that I realize humility is very important. When you commit mistakes, that’s not really an issue. Because as long as that you’re alive, you can commit mistakes. But what’s important is continue learning and be the better version of yourself. Don’t stop, just keep on learning. Yeah,
Gwen Lazarito
yeah, I agree. And one of those things like, when you commit mistakes, and I know this, this as a, because it happened to me personally as well. Like when I’m in front of a client, trying to present something, something to them, and then I commit a mistake. Like, I get flustered, and I lose confidence. And I’m not able to provide them with like the best presentation. And that was because like, it wasn’t even that I wasn’t prepared, it was just that I got really embarrassed that I committed a mistake. But you’re right. With practice, as long as you practice, and you don’t give up easily, you can still like bounce back. And then just think about what you can do forward in the in the future on how to become better at that particular in how you speak and how you present yourself. Right. Yes, agree. All right. So that was a very interesting topic, Adele, and we’ve actually covered a lot we’ve covered your, your, your backstory, and we’ve covered as well, the things that your that has kept you and has given you inspiration to continue what you do, and we’ve also covered public speaking and how important it is to in our careers in the financial industry. No. And I don’t want to keep you long with this actually getting to our the end of our podcast, but I guess my final question to you is like, what is your? What are your plans? Now? Now that you are three years in the industry? What is your next milestone? What was the next goal for you?
Adelle Toledo
Well, that’s the one of the beautiful thing in this industry, because the longer I stay, the longer I realize that I should be the better version of myself so that I can give the people I can give to the people, the best there is in me because you cannot give what you don’t have. So I my plan is really to equip myself founded with the right techniques and the foundation, what’s really in this company, what’s really the treasure that I am holding what is really in my hand that is that will be about to be offered to the people around me so that that’s really my vision. Now, I realized that you know, as time goes by, it’s not only I’m pushing this product, but I shouldn’t be giving them the right solution for their individualized or personalized problem. So my my I think my plan now Not really I think my plan now is really to to push harder even pandemic I will not stop I will continue to reach out to more people. And not only be because when before I real I said okay, I will be meeting, but how many people in a week like that and that I will put that in my notes. But now I will be I will be revising my system. I said before going out, I should be equipped more, I should be more ready going out in the war is is just like losing the battle when you’re not fully geared. So right now I am going to intend a portion of my time to really study to, to maybe to study more also of the our economic economic phases or a situation what’s really the best solution. What solution there is that can be provided for the people that’s been with me for the three years that I’m with this company.
Gwen Lazarito
Yeah, definitely continues customer service for your current clients because I think some people, some financial advisors once they get a sale or I don’t know for other countries, but here particularly in Cebu, I do see those financial advisors who after one sale and you don’t talk to them Clients anymore. So it’s really good that you mentioned that you always maintain that relationship with your clients by studying and finding out ways on how you can continuously help them because that I think will just get back to your business. Maybe they later on they will get another another if there are changes in their life, right? Yeah, it’ll go back to you because they trust you because you’ve been in contact with them and fostering that positive relationship to them. So that’s really great. And I’m happy that you’re doing that Adela. Keep up the good work. And before we end this podcast, how can people reach you if they want to get to know you more or know about the things that you do?
Adelle Toledo
Oh, I don’t really have like Twitter and I have, but I forgot my but visible in Facebook. You can you can add me as a friend, in my facebook account, Adele, tequila de lado, so I would be more than happy to accept you. And let’s can message let’s, let’s be friends, you know, yeah, it’s too short. Let’s be happy. Let’s help each other. Not only we will be providing each other’s needs, but we will help each other through maybe educating other people and reaching out also for those people who really need our help.
Gwen Lazarito
Yeah. Wonderful. So thank you so much for this wonderful conversation. Well, I’ve certainly learned a lot from you and hopefully our listeners have to you have a good one. Thank you so much.