AdviceTech Podcast #28 – Financial Writers Australia – Transcript
AdviceTech Podcast 31 March 2023

Peita Diamantidis
Welcome to the Ensombl advice tech Podcast. I’m Peita Diamantidis, well I seem to be today anyway and the guest joining me today to deep dive into financial writers Australia was actually a marketing manager for an online business then shifted to a similar role in a financial advice firm. And while at financial rod is still juggles marketing for an advice firm as part of her week, so we have some valuable experience to learn from here, folks, thank you so much for joining me on the show. Kelly McKay.
Kelly Mackay
Thank you so much. What a lovely introduction.
Peita Diamantidis
You are very welcome. Now very keen to dive into financial riders. This is a bit of a different episode this week, folks, because this is not some an app so much as a web service. I guess you could describe it as. But before we get into that, listeners know that we start with getting to know you, Kelly is via your use of technologies. So what is your most used emoji? Do you even use emojis?
Kelly Mackay
I do. I’m a prolific emoji user. My most having young children. My most common one is usually the monkey with the hands in front of the face rolling the eyes, because suddenly some funny story I’m telling someone hate a letter a smiley face. I do love the good old smiley face.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah, they’re not bad, are they? Well, no. I laugh in fact, because it would be easy to assume that somebody who say writes for a living isn’t into emojis. But I know anybody in marketing loves them wrong. Yes, that’s a way to communicate.
Kelly Mackay
Save some talking. Just use the emoji.
Peita Diamantidis
Exactly. Right. You could write for citizens, or you could use one emoji. Exactly. Exactly. All right. And so if you had like, we all live with our smartphones, you know, mine is sitting right next to me as as we speak. So if you had to delete everything off your smartphone, all of the apps and just keep three, which ones would you keep?
Kelly Mackay
Definitely Instagram, I would have to probably keep the good old business major Facebook pages, meta pages, whatever. They’re calling it these days. Yep. And I love real estate. So I would keep the real estate app as well choose. Yeah, I don’t know why my I’ve my mother always worked in real estate. So I think it’s come from that. So I love looking at houses. That’s fantastic.
Peita Diamantidis
So just sort of stalking properties like, one’s nice and quickly,
Kelly Mackay
just, yeah, a house stalker. Fantastic.
Peita Diamantidis
Well, you know what, that’s the first time that app has come up on the show. So alright, let’s dive into financial writers, shall we? So for those that are unaware, just talk a talk us through what financial writers Australia is. And then we can talk about, hey, you know, how does that impact financial advisors and what they do? So what what is the website? What does it do?
Kelly Mackay
So the website is basically an online library full of financial content. So we’ve got financial articles, infographics, ebooks, social media card, that sort of thing. Now, it’s a subscription based business. So you pay your subscription, you’d log in, and you can download your content. Whenever you need new content to your website, social media blog, any marketing Debbie, you have, we do have a few subscribers that currently use it to create videos, or even use it in their local paper as their editorial contribution every couple of weeks. So all content is fully compliant, which is takes a lot of stress off of advisors. And yeah, it’s a great, great way for advisors, mortgage brokers and accountants to save time, because we all know, we get too busy working in the business rather than on the business. Yeah, it’s a great way to save time and still educate clients and position yourself as a real go to for your industry, to any potential clients out there.
Peita Diamantidis
Okay, so I mean, one of the things that I mean, even somebody like myself, and I love writing, you know, and even written some books and love writing articles, but I’m betting that one of the biggest problems that’s trying to solve is, is if you’re doing all of this from scratch yourself, it’s sort of never gets done. Like, it’s one of those
Kelly Mackay
things I know, you stop thinking about it. Yeah, one of those jobs you keep putting off because you know, you’ve got to do it. But the time it takes to do it to come up with the idea, then to actually put pen to paper or learn to pop it up on the blog and all that it’s, yeah, it takes a lot of time when you’re also trying to run a business and look after clients.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah. And, um, no, in my, in my understanding, there’s not many sort of competing services with what you guys do. So it’s not like there’s many people out there providing this sort of content that you can sort of use yourself. I know there are some that you can via an app in terms of you know, like a portal that lets you then white label it yourself, but in terms of content that we can then do as we will with it almost no, I don’t know that there are many others. Are you aware of many others that you guys compete with?
Kelly Mackay
And no, not really, there are a few that are more marketing agency type based where they will post it on your behalf and do your social media post and that sort of thing. But not direct competition. No.
Peita Diamantidis
on content. Yeah. Yeah. And so really, in fact, you know, I would argue some of those agencies because he could even use a service like yours, because it’s how you use the base content, and then turn it into your brand or your feel.
Kelly Mackay
We do have we are exclusively just for mortgage brokers, accountants and financial advisors. We like that’s our kind of unique selling point that Yep, it is content specifically for those industries. And it does keep it a bit exclusive than that you’re not going to find it across any and every website. Yeah. But we do have a couple of marketing agencies that are also subscribers that do use it, because they specifically taught service those areas, right. And we also have a couple of larger super funds that use our library as well.
Peita Diamantidis
Okay. Because that’s, I was curious about that, like, Where does you know, who’s getting it? Like, who’s getting the concept and utilizing it? And
Kelly Mackay
we do get that question come up a bit from clients, you know, you’re going to see, if I pick an article, how do I not know I’m in a state on my competition? Website? Yeah, but we, we find that because you can change the article any way you want, you can change the call to action, you can change the title of the article, take anything in or out that you don’t want. Every every user has that their own client base their own prospective clients their targeting, so we find that that’s not actually an issue in the long run.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah. And so is it as much that what you’re providing is purely the content? And then they put their own skin for want of a better expression on that. So that then is that their branding style? You know, that slim or whatever it is? Right, okay, so skin could mean, you know, what’s the, what’s the tool they use, when they share it on LinkedIn, it could be, you know, the way they place it on their blog, you know, the the images they put with it, all that sort of stuff that can silo themselves, along with the content itself. So I’m curious of what you’re seeing with your clients, then, you know, most of them, sort of, you know, does the article end up looking completely different to what you guys wrote. Some of them doing identical, like we’re in this spectrum of just taking it as it is versus really tailoring it for the tone or, or style? Where do most of your clients sit?
Kelly Mackay
Most Thiet. And most take it exactly as it is okay, and use it exactly as we do have a few that definitely changed the call to action and put links to the adviser that would best suit. If a client reads the article would best suit for that sort of that topic. We also do have some low that are going that extra step and turning downloading a few articles turning them into an e book, or clients, or even into a podcast topic or into a YouTube video. Fantastic. One extreme to the other.
Peita Diamantidis
Now, that’s an interesting insight. Because all of those things you were just mentioning people. Actually I get asked all the time pretty How do you know what to talk about on a podcast? Or how do you know what to talk about on a YouTube video? Remembering that words are just words. So So written words, you guys have pulled together, I really need to be succinct and clear and really get a message across in the written form. You’re right, you can use that for any one of these versions of you know, streaming content via podcast via YouTube I little clips via all that sort of stuff. That’s a bit exciting. Actually, in my head. I hadn’t taken it that fast. So then yeah, that’s powerful. Because you just like you turn the camera on, you’re like, Oh, now, what am I going to sit
Kelly Mackay
and clean. But if you bright, grab one of the articles, you grab a few lines out of it. And you can keep talking about the topic, as most financial advisors do, because they’re passionate about their job and their industry. They can grab a few lines out of it. And they can talk for five, six minutes for a YouTube video quite easily. Yes, favs and coming up with that idea. And then what do I talk about? It just prompts them so
Peita Diamantidis
yes, yes, absolutely. And, and, look, editing concepts down to a succinct message is not something actually most of us can do, we might think we can but having had an editor for my book, I’ve worked out No, no, most of us don’t have that. You know, editing is a superpower. So. So I think understanding the way you guys can really, I mean completely truncate this process for people. So that then they don’t have to do that. And then you know, they can really give it their own flavor. It could be even where they record the video from or, or the stories they bring in from their own experience or their clients experiences. You know, I think that wow, that gets us a long way really quickly. Yeah, in terms of contents, for sure.
Kelly Mackay
It’s such a great resource for those that like we’re all time poor these days. So it’s just that to great resource to be able to quickly log in download something that you think the topic that’s in the news at the moment, and you’ve already got it there ready to go. And you can shoot it out in a newsletter to all your clients or prospective clients. And it just helps to build that trust and the clients, then believe you’re on top of it, you’re the go to person for anything financial. And, yeah, it’s all about building trust with your clients.
Peita Diamantidis
And look, I think we probably you mentioned it briefly, but I think we should probably talk about the elephant in the room being that all but it’s going to look the same, you know, and what if it’s the same as somebody else, I reckon if you put 100 advisors in the room, in a room and ask them to write an article about rising interest rates, you would come up with very similar 100 articles, right? Because we all come from a similar place and understanding for these things. And so the content, the underlying content or message is probably going to be the same. So it’s all about the flavor we bring to it. You know, it’s all about the personality we bring to it. So I think we’re kidding ourselves. If we think what we would write from scratch would be really unique.
Kelly Mackay
Definitely. Yeah, it’s definitely
Peita Diamantidis
need to be frankly, right. Like, it’s, I mean, we can all say that, but honestly, it’s just not the case. And I and
Kelly Mackay
look, and with AI out there now to look, there’s so many things that how exciting is AI, though, it’s very, very cool to have a play with. Yeah, I think it’s the internet, there’s always going to be something similar or, yeah. But it’s getting that getting your well written article out to your clients and your prospective clients.
Peita Diamantidis
Correct. And look for the listener, if you’re still doubting whether that’s the case, you know, painting that’s, that’s ridiculous. I can write something unique. Then just look at your inbound emails from from investment managers. Something will happen in markets, and we all get these stream of emails, which is great. They’ve been informative, and wow, they get repetitive. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like it’s yes, it’s a different brand. Is it so they get repetitive? So let’s acknowledge that the content is its finance. Yeah. You know, it’s just got some fundamental basics to it. There’s only
Kelly Mackay
so many ways you can reroll right, that’s a message.
Peita Diamantidis
Correct. So utilize something that gets you that far, and then make it your own from that athlete, and know
Kelly Mackay
that the articles compliance, so you don’t have to worry, from that standpoint, whether you’re, you know, from an athletic standpoint that you’re whether you’re being compliant with Yeah. Fed up the great selling point, too.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah, it is it is. So in terms of how practices sort of implement this, then I’m curious of, you know, do you find that mainly, it’s the advisors that are going in and grabbing the articles and doing it? Or do they assign somebody in the team? How does that normally work in a practice,
Kelly Mackay
or it’s fairly varied? It depends on the size of the business. A lot of single office says it will be just the financial advisors that will go in and grab the article. But obviously, the bigger organizations, they’ve got their own marketing team, they’ve got their own marketing coordinator that will will dive in and grab, perhaps, look, you can download up to 22 articles a month. So we often have people dive in there, grab their 22 for the month, and then they might not be back and grab some more articles for another few months, because they’ve got enough to fill out their content the next the next month or so. But it does vary. It depends on the size of the business.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah. Okay. And that was going to be one of my questions, actually, in terms of the places that do this. Well, it sounds like having a bit of a plan, doing some batch brainstorming of what’s going to be what you’re going to release them when is probably more effective than Oh, dang, I’ve got to write an article, I’ll go into the website and grab one like, Yeah, I’m betting that’s the difference between using it well, and sticking with it and really having some traction versus may be then going, Oh, this isn’t adding value. And so they sort of drop off. Is that valid?
Kelly Mackay
Yeah. Well, it is funny, we’ve got so many. I think there’s that now that 450 articles in there. But we do have a spot on the website that has our recently updated, we put a new article up every week. And we do find that they’re the ones that get downloaded. It’s not people don’t seem to search for the most current topic they want. But the newest article, okay. But having said that, the newest article is usually what’s trending in the news and stuff anyway, it’s usually relates to that anyway, so it’s probably a very smart tactic.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah, probably. And I guess some men this is what’s hard in an advice practice. And tech is actually a bit similar is, is we’re so busy doing the advice. We don’t have structured plans for things like marketing or content or, you know, managing our tech stack so, so to have to take a bit of a moment, sit down with the team and go okay, what is the plan going forward? How does this match the webinars we might be doing for clients, how does this match you know, and we’ll get it lined up? will mean you can take you know, full advantage of the content, rather than sort of just panic mode dive in, grab it.
Kelly Mackay
Yeah, it’s it’s liking finances was better I have a plan and plan ahead. So exactly the same. Yeah, if you can plan it out a bit know that these are your topics coming up, and then you can pre plan posts around them and all that sort of thing as far as like definitely better to have a plan.
Peita Diamantidis
And is there somebody you’re seeing that utilizes the content, that surprised you? Like, wow, that’s just a great like, they’ve taken that to a point where it’s like, wow, they’ve really done something creative or interesting, or, or, you know, surprised you in the way that they applied the content
Kelly Mackay
on Khan constantly surprised by the ones that turn it into videos, they can just rock, it’s like they wrote, wrote it all themselves, or the way that they can make it sound like it’s theirs, and they own it, and they pop it out in a video. And it’s just, I think that’s amazing how they do that. I yeah, I couldn’t do it. But they do such a good job that Yeah, it’s amazing.
Peita Diamantidis
And it’s funny, you say that, because video and audio are a way to make any written words your own, you know, it is an instant way to get your own tone. And it’s that sounds obvious, but it’s actually hard to do that in writing, to bring your own tone into something that really got a message it whereas you just naturally do it when you talk, right. And it just comes across your emphasize different words, you describe it different ways. So that’s an interesting point, actually. And I think, you know, for, for the listener out there, you know, seriously thinking about video, because it’s such a powerful way to connect, you know,
Kelly Mackay
and it is it can be a scary thing to get in front of the video. But it’s a great way to get yourself out there, get your person, their personality out there, and you will find them and you get prospective clients or clients coming in, they feel as though they know you that that process of getting them to move from prospective to an actual client will be so much easier because they feel like they already know you.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah. And it is people’s you know, I think some people really struggle to believe that, you know, it’s like, well, really we all know it’s a video, well, first of all, your brain doesn’t, you know, your brain seems to human being and sees sees a person like they’re right in front of you. So it’s processing going, Oh, I know this person. And I’m being interesting and look like it’s sort of processing them as if you’re chatting to them over coffee. And from personal experience where now I think we were laughing. It’s now this is the 28th episode of the advice tech podcast for ensembles. And I was at an event just a week or two ago, and I had people coming up to me and they’d say, Hey, Peter, and they’d start talking. And I’d actually never met them before. They feel like they know you they do, right. I’ve been in their little ears talking about you know, they’ve listened to hours of content. And so they instantly feel comfortable and engaged and started chatting, you know, and that’s powerful.
Kelly Mackay
Yeah, it’s like you’re an old friend, they trust you. Yep, they, and it doesn’t, it makes that conversion process from prospective to actual client for a financial adviser and accountant, whoever it may be. So how much easier
Peita Diamantidis
it is. And you know, the other thing I think it does really well, too, is they’ll rapidly work out if you’re not the right vibe for them. There’s nothing worse than when you’ve got, you know, a meeting with a client is that first sort of step and, hey, let’s get to know each other and see if we’re right for you and your thinking. Or you might think you’re right for me, but I just don’t think reverse like this is not gonna work.
Kelly Mackay
Everyone some time.
Peita Diamantidis
Exactly, exactly. You know, attracting is really important. But also repelling the people that are just isn’t going to work for I think is equally important. So you can focus on the ones that get what you’re trying to deliver for them. So then in terms of the other things that are that you guys pulled together, it is more than just articles, right? So you’ve got quizzes and infographics and ebooks and all that sort of thing. Do you find people utilize? So let’s talk about the quizzes. Do they utilize those a lot? Are they something that is a bit undiscovered and and needs to be tapped into more? Yeah,
Kelly Mackay
I think a little undiscovered, they’re a great thing to place on your website to a bit of a call to action get people involved. Yeah, they’re a great thing to use. But they probably do take a little bit more time to set up and things so I can understand it from that perspective. It’s not a just a straight download plunk on the website, we’re done. So from that perspective, ebooks are always popular because you can you can give those out as a as a free gift to someone coming to your website to get them to subscribe to your newsletter or whatever it may be. Ebooks are always going to be popular I find
Peita Diamantidis
looking I think if for somebody who maybe hasn’t ever done that sort of work themselves, I think it can be a bit intimidating. Oh, you know, and the design and the UI, you know, and this is really hard and and you know if you feel like you’d have to change the skin a lot on something like an ebook, then you know, Canva is your friend. Definitely. Right. It is not, you would merely you can pick a color. So if you if you haven’t used Canva before, well, a please go and do that. Check it out. But
Kelly Mackay
isn’t it I sprained I love him. Yeah. And I think
Peita Diamantidis
people don’t realize how easy it is for the non marketing person. So not only am I a non marketing person, I’m like actuarially trained. I’m the complete opposite of creative. That’s another thing about me this creative, right? You’ve got to give me rules for creativity. Every artist will roll their eyes when I say that, right. But what Canva has done cleverly is, for example, if there’s a template design, they’ve got there for any ebook, then, and it’s all in pink. And you’re like, Oh, that’s not our brand, it should be green, you can pick the color pink, tell it to change all of them to your green, and it just does it throughout the whole document. It’s really hot stuff, right? It’s, this is only takes a few moments to get it to look exactly like your brand.
Kelly Mackay
Exactly. And if and if Canvas scares you, there’s Upwork there’s Fiverr, you can just hire a freelancer so easily. Yeah. Then then your logo, and they will magically turn it into an ebook for you for a very small price. So yeah, look, there’s lots of options out there
Peita Diamantidis
there are and we should take advantage of them. And how about so you’ve also got infographics? Right? Yeah. And so and so is that something that somebody would take as is and have a you know, as an other part of a newsletter? Or on the website? Or how do you? How do you see those getting utilized?
Kelly Mackay
Yet? Look, they get used? A lot of the shorter ones will get used on social media as well as a social media post. But yes, in newsletters, and also, we see them a lot on websites as well, accompanying a blog post or as even as a free download for someone. We see them on websites as well.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah. Okay, fantastic. So now, this is sort of content in isolation, meaning that the content on the website, it’s not well, sorry, I’m making an assumption here. But I’m assuming you guys don’t integrate with any tools where content is fed through? No, because it would be very difficult then to pick, Hey, what are we going to use? And what are we going to apply it to? And where does it go, and all that sort of stuff. So So in that sense, I get a bit overexcited about integrations. So the listener will know that I always ask about that. But it makes perfect sense. This is, you know, a website you go to with the content, you log in, and you select what you’re looking for and down and download that piece of content. Is there anything else that you think, you know, the users take a while to discover or utilize? Like, is there anything else in there that they just don’t realize is there that I could take advantage of?
Kelly Mackay
I just feel like that the articles they download could be used in so many more ways, right? Feel like you download an article, you pop it on your blog. Don’t forget to do a social media post about it to direct users to it. Don’t forget if you can, if you brave enough to do a little Instagram short story and say, hey, check out we’ve just popped up a new blog posts, right? I just think they can be utilized in so many ways.
Peita Diamantidis
That’s yeah, that’s an issue. I mean, that’s a market as bread and butter. Right? The repurposing of content or, or even just making sure it’s distributed. But it’s a really good point. It’s something that I fail at abysmally. It’s, I put a lot of effort into it, right. So you guys, we’ve put all this effort into this piece, great piece of content, we think it’s got a great message, we hope to really get something useful. And then that’s it.
Kelly Mackay
Or even however you want posted onto your social media, whether you using like a later program if you if you’re using your Facebook,
Peita Diamantidis
like scheduling, social media scheduling tools, or anything like that, yeah, set
Kelly Mackay
a recurring one posted every three weeks for just a couple of months. Yeah. And then you can always come back in 12 months time, it’s still on your blog, you can update your date that you’ve that you’ve said it live, and you can do it again. Repurposing is so important.
Peita Diamantidis
And when you think about it, you guys are writing this? Yes, it might be topical because it’s been prompted by something. So it’s been prompted by interest rates going upward, but you’re right, most of this is going to be evergreen content, most of this is going to be something that applies,
Kelly Mackay
that’s going to do right and to try to make it evergreen content. But we also do audits our articles every month we have a rolling rotation, and we have our lawyer go through and he makes sure they’re obviously compliant with ASIC but he also updates anything in there that needs updating so they are always current it’s such a great such a great thing we can offer to clients too to say that they are current with the ASIC compliant it’s such a great weight off their shoulders knowing they don’t have to worry about that.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah, absolutely. And and it is something that I find the the making sure the message gets gets out the revisiting but also the conditioning for people I’ve learned that I need to see things multiple times for really to get through, you know, and generally multiple ways right so so you know, potentially consider aligning what your client webinar you know, topic She recovering with the blog posts you’ve been writing during that period with the social, like, really consider some consistent messaging because it takes a few goes to get through. Yeah, I think
Kelly Mackay
I think the running one was it was it seven times that take Yes.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah. Right. And so we can’t and also, I love this, like, we all know that we scroll right, so so a lot of what’s on our feed, we don’t even see or scroll. But when we write or produce content and post it, we assume everybody sees it. Oh, of course, like, it’s like, well, we post it once. But they all saw it. I can’t do that again.
Kelly Mackay
Yeah. They probably haven’t. They probably haven’t. Yeah, careers, three years,
Peita Diamantidis
correct. The percentage is actually really low of people that will see that post. So, you know, understanding that maybe like you say, if you schedule it out, you could potentially even schedule it out at different times, to try and catch different people.
Kelly Mackay
A lot of those scheduling tools do have the recycle button that you click, and then they will automatically for you. Yep, doing it. So yeah,
Peita Diamantidis
yeah, yeah, it’s, it’s, um, I love it. Because I’m like that all the time. I really do focus on the, you know, the initial creation, and I don’t really focus on making sure the message gets out there. Daily. Yeah, it’s a really important message. And it sounds like to me too, you know, if you’re going to don’t go down this path, get some great content that you can consistently refer to, it’s probably worth also working out. How are you going to consistently distribute it? So if you don’t have a scheduling tool you use for social media may be considered like, Yeah, you should just get a bit organized. Thank goodness, LinkedIn now lets you do sheduled posts, because it used to drive me nuts with LinkedIn about how you sort of have to sit there waiting. If you didn’t use a scheduling tool, so So yeah, think about which channels and maybe consider a scheduling tool. Because the combo of that, with this great content could really get your content humming. This couldn’t really get Yeah, definitely,
Kelly Mackay
definitely. And you’ll find people popping up talking to you in the supermarket, and you don’t ever know, because they’ve read your content.
Peita Diamantidis
You’ll have fans.
Kelly Mackay
You’ll be trending.
Peita Diamantidis
And so how about what’s coming, you know, up down the track, more content on bedding? Is there anything that you guys are looking to do a little differently, or anything coming up that you’ve got on your sort of project plan that we can get excited about?
Kelly Mackay
Oh, well, speaking of social media, and posting and those sorts of things, we’ve just rolled out to our existing clients social media posting, and blog posting for them on their website. Wow, we’ve just, we’ve just rolled that out. So we post a new article every fortnight for them, and posts social media posts that Yep, obviously directs their clients back to the website blog. So just rolled that out. And then in the next, while, we’re hoping in just a couple of months, we’ll also be rolling out a newsletters as well for clients that will lead back to the website and the blog posts as well. So fantastic, exciting time.
Peita Diamantidis
We’ll And while I’ve got you, you know, and listen to you guys, you know, just chill out because I’m just gonna get some rocketing. It’s pretty easy. Folks know cheeky. So in terms of the newsletters, I’m really curious, because I’m noticing so I just got one actually last night that was from the CEO of a football club, like a rugby league club, right and night. So the CEO is running out, you know, it might year ahead. And you know, the club’s year ahead, where you had to scroll five times to see this tome, this huge thesis he’d written, right? And as I read it, because I’m curious enough, but I’m betting most these days, you know, below the fold, meaning you know, a single scroll, you’re going to struggle to get people to read past. Is that your view too?
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, look, definitely the read more links is your friends. So we just want a couple of paragraphs in there. And then we want the Read More link. And then when they click on that, they can see the full article and they can scroll the whole way down. But you just don’t want people to have to scroll squirrel, squirrel squirrel, they’re gonna say it’s too long. And they’re like, I don’t have time for the squirrel. We’ve been pre programmed by social media. Now we were only got that 32nd Or it’s probably last yesterday.
Peita Diamantidis
Yeah, it’s generating too much wine. And I think the other extreme and in fact, it’s something I’m debating at the moment is single issue, email, newsletter, things. So it was rather than a newsletter, it’s, this is the topic, that’s what it says in the title. So somebody knows, you know, even just seeing the title, whether they should open this one. So you really conditioning them to go it’s quick, it’s valuable, but it’s one thing and if the you know people listening are in the ensemble community, they would know that because that’s how our M communicates with us. So she, you know, is highlighting a piece of content either that you know, they’ve got on the network or out in the public, but it’s one topic. It’s a few sentences in your right read here. And I actually really liked that because it lets me you know, identify really quickly if this email is relevant to me I don’t feel like I’ve sort of got to put it aside, you know, for a moment later when I can have a cup of tea is crawl. Yeah, I think go through it. Oh, yes. Now that clearly means you may want to do a little more frequently, you know, monthly with one topic may not get it done. But it is an interesting thing to debate, you know, just trial. You know, and you’ll see it by the way that people engage with your content. Rollout. That’s exciting. Okay. So there’s a whole lot of things that you guys are going to be able to do for people. Is there anything else? I’ve missed anything we haven’t covered?
Kelly Mackay
Oh, I don’t think so. I think it’s a great tool to use and come check
Peita Diamantidis
us out Exactly. Or to that point, I think you can actually get a sample piece of piece of content on the website catch you so you can if people head over to the financial writers Australia website, you can sort of get as a sample, you know, just
Kelly Mackay
example, or send us an email, there’s contact details on there, send us an email Evany or myself, will send you out a bunch of example articles so you can get a feel for it and see if it is the right thing for you.
Peita Diamantidis
Perfect. All right, advice explorers. If you’d like to find out more about financial writers, then the website link is in the episode shownotes. You know the deal, guys, you’ve heard this before, along with Kelly’s LinkedIn details. So feel free to reach out via via LinkedIn and I’m sure she’ll point you in the right direction. Thank you so much for joining us, Kelly. And for sort of ensuring that advisors advisors don’t have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to creating content like this. It’s not something we’re trained in. So to have the expertise of people like you, I think we all breathe a sigh of relief. So thank you very much.
Kelly Mackay
Oh, my absolute pleasure. It’s been wonderful having a chat.